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More knowledge I've gathered over my life

Boba Rhett

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Before any of you pop an eyeball, I know we did this long ago but I wanna do it again. :p



1. Norwegian women, as a rule of thumb, are hot.


2. Cookies can and will cheer almost anyone up.


3. It's, "Killed him a bear when he was only three" NOT "Killed in a bar when he was only three."


4. There is a very fine line between a "hobby" and a "mental illness."


5. Women need some meat on their bones. *high fives sherack*


6. Never ever EVER NEVER EVER be shocked by the levels of stupidy the teeming millions can attain.


7. It should be illegal for schools to not have desks for left handers. :mad:


8. Throwing an entire collection of records across the room like frisbees never ends well.


9. I see corn, cows and tractors every day of my life. I guess I really am a redneck.


10. There's no limit to the number of people you can be obsessed with.


11. Even though your eyes are shut and you can't move it's not sleep if you can't turn your freaking brain off. :wavey:


12. Going to the bathroom while half asleep never ends well.


13. There's a night butterfly in Sherack's room. :D


14. As you get older it's not the facts of life that leave you in a dazed wonderment but rather the mysteries.


15. Twenty years from now I'll regret not talking to more old people when I was younger.


16. Your perceptions of yourself and what you're capapble of can be a lot more harmful to you than any outside interferance.


17. There's always someone hotter. :D


18. A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.


19. The movie Jaws will be making people nervous about swimming and taking baths for years to come.


20. Your friends love you anyway.


21. Whoever in the future decides to remove Mr. Roger's Neighborhood from the public television children show line up will have to attone for their crimes against humanity one day.


22. If the power of hornyness could somehow be harnessed as a fuel source we would all be driving around in cars running on bottled Eets extracts.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

5. Women need some meat on their bones. *high fives sherack*


7. It should be illegal for schools to not have desks for left handers. :mad:


5. Wow, Someone else in the world who has good taste is women!


7. We can't help that you're born w/ a deformed writing skill Rhett.:D


I think #22 is the best though.;)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

5. Women need some meat on their bones. *high fives sherack*


13. There's a night butterfly in Sherack's room. :D

5. Word bitch, I knew I could turn you! :D


13. Okay I know it's a MOTH, I just didn't think of the right word at first >_<

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

3. It's, "Killed him a bear when he was only three" NOT "Killed in a bar when he was only three."


It's Killed a bar, not killed a bear, learn your english Dialects!


Um, I've learned that just cuz you're bored, not everyone else is...ya...






um...ok I'll go...

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Good ones Rhett! Here are a few of my own:


1. It's usually the small minority who should keep their mouths shut that make the most noise.


2. The world has rarely been changed by a commitee.


3. When girls whisper it usually means bad news. Or good news.


4. Boredom really IS a state of mind.


5. It's better to learn from tha past than to repeat it.


6. De ja vu always comes at the strangest times.


7. Cooking is a very valuabe thing for a guy to learn.


8. It's never too late to improve. Of course, the longer you wait the harder it is.


9. Other's perception of you are always different than your own.


10. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


11. It's not always a good idea to let things go to your head.


12. It's "Oh say can you see? By the dawn's early light", not "Jose can you ski? By the donzerlee light"


13. You're never as smart as you think you are.




That's all I could think of for now. Maybe more later.

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Originally posted by Silenthunter

13. You're never as smart as you think you are.


That reminds me, you nearly will always over or undergauage your skills in...anything. Barely ever will you ever correctly think of your skill levels. Except when they're layed out on a stat sheet in front of you...heh...

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

22. If the power of hornyness could somehow be harnessed as a fuel source we would all be driving around in cars running on bottled Eets extracts.


Jebus, Rhett! :|


It's "Horniness"... :indif:


some people. -_-

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Excellent work guys XD


I'd think of some...but they'd be stupid. Power a car, eh?


*goes to get squigee and tries to get "Eets extract" off his leg*


Fuel cells, eat your heart out :p:D

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Originally posted by Chase Windu

I'm left handed, too. Let's start a club against righties.


Of course, its not bigoted/racist in any way if you pick on the majority (In this case, handist) People these days. :rolleyes:;)

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Well you're lucky the Liberals have control right now or else you Lefty scum would be in slave camps for your crimes against humanity with left handedness!


I mean just think about it...

Left. As in leave. As in COWARD!

Right. As in Good. As in GOOD SIDE!


See! Look at that undisputable proof that Lefties are an inferior...um...hand...race...thing...

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