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Chat Killing


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I play mostly ctf so I really don't see much complaining about chatkilling. If someone complains about chatkilling in ctf though I find that pretty funny.


For the most part, I will attempt to kill anyone on my screen, chatbox or not, unless it is painfully obvious that they are afk and don't pose any threat. For me that doesn't mean simply being slightly out of the way. After getting sniped by people in out of the way positions who had their chatboxes up fairly often, if they are in line of sight i will usually shoot at them, though I won't go horribly out of my way. If I pass someone with a chatbox up on the way to/from the enemy base, I will most certainly blast him because I don't feel like getting rocketed or sniped as soon as I turn my back. In ctf there's almost never a reason not to kill anybody, chatbox or no chatbox. If he's in the back room of bespin pipes in an FFA though I probably won't attack him, I'll watch the door though. i don't feel chatkilling is a huge deal in ctf. If I want to say something I'll normally wait till I'm dead.


I read through a bit of the forums and found a few of these honour/laming debates so i thought I'd just give my views. The bowing issue doesn't effect me much since i'm usually in a ctf-guns server where, while the saber definitely has a place, bowing and duels are certainly not an issue. I do find the bowing thing to be unnecessary and odd. One reason I quickly decided to move to 1.04 was because 1.02 was all Lightsaber only servers filled with red dfa spammers who demanded bows before each duel and every time you passed someone......


Personally, I really don't like the whole honour code, Jedi must do ABC and not XYZ or he will be kicked etc. Unless its a glitch, if the devs put it in the game I don't see a reason not to use some gun/forcepower. the codes of honour/behaviour are quite superflous and unnessary at best, and have the ability to annoy people and ruin te game. If its their own server though and everyone else abides by it, I'll just leave and go to another one.


I have never, and probably never will call someone a lamer. If I am totally owned by someone, yeah I'll probably be upset but I'll acknowledge the fact that I was owned and the other person was a better player. Even if killed by a spammer I just try to figure out how to counter. I used to get killed by red dfa spammers all time whereas now I almost laugh when I see one. I realize that there are much, much better players than me playing and that will almost always consistently own me. i'll just try and reduce the number of players that are.


anyways, just my few cents worth

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I agree that whining is annoying, but it can't ruin a game. FFA or CTF where the objective to rack up as many points as possible, Chat sign is a kill me sign. People care about the number of kills, not the quality of which they were made.


Duel, on the other hand, is all about quality and style. When dueling, make sure your opponent is ready before you attack him. Usually they'll either bow, say something cruel/interesting/funny/problematic, and then light their saber. You should follow their example. Or they'll attack you. In that case, they're most likely new to the game.


However, its totally different from server to server.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar











Someone posted here that there will be "official" emotes in JA. Bowing and meditating. :( I can already picture it: A whole FFA map filled with people bowing and meditating. No-one PLAYING.


....except for Luc who runs around cutting off the heads of every dumb-ass who thinks "FFA" stands for "let's sit and meditate".


You're a little mixed up.



Those emotes only work in duel/power duel mode. Which is a shame, since some of the taunts are kind of fun to do.


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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

It takes mad skills to pull off 3 chat kills in a row off the same person.


...If you call locating a person who's AFK after they've respawned just so you can stand still and plug them, skill, then yes.

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I play CtF and if some one is AFK they don't cry because they are AFK.. but some times the flag guy or some one shooting at you is close to some one with a chat box up, and if you let a salvo of rockets off the so called AFK get hit and dies.. then all you see if OMG you lamed me I was AFK. it strikes me as odd that you are watching the screen and saying your AFK? some players say I was eating!!! well normally I will log out and go eat instead of taking a place up afk and not letting some one else join and play.


But as a general rule if your AFK in your zone I will ignore you.. hell I don't even go for players that are not afk.. all I have me mind is hitting that flag and getting the hell out of there as fast as possible.



p.s if they are changing there force settings.. you most prob done them a favour, as then they get to use there new settings when they respawn :p

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One thing that would stop the whining about chat killing would be this:


Make it so with the chat box over your head, you're completely invincible. There.


Oh wait, we can't have that, you know why? Because then people would quickly bring up their console or type something to avoid a fatal blow. It would be totally stupid!


So, as a result, we will have chat kills.


Try this... log onto a FFA server with a bunch of people in it that are actually playing. Find a quiet corner of the map, face the wall, turn off your saber, and start to type so the chat box stays over your head.


Now get up out of your chair and go do something else for ten minutes. Then come back and see what's up.


I GUARENTEE you, your character will have been killed by the time you come back. Even if it wasn't done intentionally, you are going to be in somebody's way or in somebody's hiding spot.


If you were playing Tennis and you just stood there and got distracted, you lost. Unless you called time out (which was recognized by the other players) you have no excuse. That's the key.... YOU may be on time out, but nobody else is, and so you remain a valid target. If it's one on one, it's easier to do of course.


Talk when you're dead or in spectator mode. If you get killed, suck it up and move on.


Sure, chat killing is rude (if done on purpose) but people expecting it not to happen is unrealistic, especially if they're in the middle of the action.




On the subject of official emotes, I have no problem with them. Unreal had them, as did Quake 2, and many games since have had them. We saw the way people abused taunts in JK2 (the infamous "Hey, You There!" and the countless jokes it inspired and those hilarious "If the Movies Played like JK2.." pics) and we've seen how they have abused emotes.


We know some people overuse these features, that's not the point. The key here is that in all of these games, while doing a taunt you were ALWAYS VULNERABLE.


I hear (I don't play them so I don't know for sure) that in various JK2 mods, you are INVINCIBLE while using an emote. How stupid is that? Just like my example of the invincible chat boxes above, sure it would be nice to protect Role Players from getting killed by real players, but then that would mean anybody could abuse it to avoid a fatal blow in battle. Utterly stupid.


So as long as I can lop the head off the guy meditating or slap the taunt off some guy's face with my Concussion rifle, I'm perfectly fine with emotes. Let them use their emotes... it'll make for an interesting death animation. ; )



And I totally agree about people trying to "chat hide" in CTF or in a duel. That's totally rude, especially if they whine when they get chat killed. In CTF every person on a team is expected to pull their weight. You can't grab the flag and expect not to get hunted down by the other team, so you can't call "safety" just because you feel the need to type and hold up the game. Nor can you hide in somebody's base and talk and expect them not to remove you. And in a duel situation, other people are patiently waiting their turn, yet you choose to sit there and waste time gabbing? At least in a FFA, if you chat, you are only wasting your own time, rather than somebody else's.

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AFK kills don't take skill. But trew chat kills are different. You have to think of the perfect question to ask to get your opponent to start talking and you come behind and dfa or something. THe second and third time gets harder because you have to think of a better question.

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