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Arnold for governor in California!


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Arnold Schwarzenegger decided yesterday on the tonight show with Jay Leno that he is going to run for governor of California in the recall election on October 7th! It's time for the Governator: Rise of the Californians!


In all seriousness, I believe he has good ideas. We need someone in the governor's seat of one of the states that ISN'T some beaurocratic crapper who can't do anything, which is what the guy in there is doing now! If I was voting in the California election, I'd vote for Arnold, the man with the plaN!

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I'd vote for just about anyone at this point. Okay, maybe not anyone.


Whomever is going to take Gray Davis's place is going to have a huge mess on their hands. I think we need someone to do some cleanup and I'm not quite sure if I want to vote someone into that position who has never done this type of thing before...

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We had a nice article in The Globe and Mail this morning. I didn't see him at the television, but I read that he said something like : "You all know that Grey Davis knows how to run a dirty campaign better than anyone but he doesn't know how to run a state."


I don't live in the US, so I don't really know if Davis was a capable governor, but Arnie's words seem a little bit insulting...


If he's elected, he's gonna support Bush to attack Korea, which is not really a good idea (I'm not republican).


Anyways, Arnold's gonna have some interesting conversations with his wife (if he's elected) :D

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Originally posted by Darth54

I don't live in the US, so I don't really know if Davis was a capable governor, but Arnie's words seem a little bit insulting...


If he's elected, he's gonna support Bush to attack Korea, which is not really a good idea (I'm not republican).


First off, Davis has done a terrible job w/ Cali. They make more money than any other state (from taxes and everything), yet they have the biggest debt of any state. And Davis is only making it worse. That whole state needs an overhaul.


Second, last I checked, Korea wasn't exactly the "talk of the town" in DC. We're not pushing for war w/ them. (sorry, kinda off topic)


Originally posted by STTCT

Whomever is going to take Gray Davis's place is going to have a huge mess on their hands. I think we need someone to do some cleanup and I'm not quite sure if I want to vote someone into that position who has never done this type of thing before...

I wouldn't worry about Arnold not being able to clean up the state. After all, look at all the terminators, assasins, evil corporations, and just general bad guys hes clean up over the years. He is truely "MASSIVE!" In fact, he is so MASSIVE that I think the gov. mansion (sp?) is to puny for him. He need to be in the White House 'cause it is MASSIVE like him. The White House is THAT WAY *flexes MASSIVE mussle and points*

*recalls Hans and Frans from SNL and wonders if they'd make good governors, too*

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Attack Korea? WTF?

We KNOW they have nukes...that doesn't make me very happy about attacking them at ALL. I'd rather not have a major US city disapear of the map. I have to admit I'd like to see some strongarm policy reguarding...but I'd rather not see the US and Britain as the only two, with the majority of the UN going against them. The UN is so screwed up, "We reccomend that you not go to war...but that's only our reccomendation really...so you can go to war if you like. Hell it's not like we can enforce anything we say since we can't even come to a disition about which caterer to use on Weekdays."



Well...Bush has another year to move on another country. Who will it be? Place your bets!

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I believe the US is litterally spitting on the UN. They are always late on their contributions...

Bush has done no good for the UN, by pointing out in the public scene its inaptibility(sp?) to resolve a conflict. By doing so he almost crushed the only internationnal organization that can solve conflicts. It may be flawed but it's better then nothing.

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Actually, people keep telling the US to intervene in the Liberia conflict. Its inaction causes people to say:


"Oh there's no oil in Liberia so it's not important if people are dying there."


Of course I know that its, because of the already huge cost of the Iraqi occupation and they don't want to spend more money but that's not what people see...

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MY POV: Mostly your average Joe is running for about 1 of 2 things: Fame & Money. They may not even care about the State, our financial situation in California, ect.


Notice that Arnold already has both of the above to his credit. I'd be willing to vote for anyone with Balls and anyone not running for above stated reasons. The only possible reason I could think of for his personal gain in running would be more publicity, or possibly recognition.


Our recalled dude was pretty much an actor anyway, why not put a real one in office :p``

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

I believe the US is litterally spitting on the UN. They are always late on their contributions...

Bush has done no good for the UN, by pointing out in the public scene its inaptibility(sp?) to resolve a conflict. By doing so he almost crushed the only internationnal organization that can solve conflicts. It may be flawed but it's better then nothing.



And how true how true. The UN is a totally useless organization, who cares if bush ruined it, their was not much left to ruin. It cant handle and solve conflicts, the organization has no right on bieng and a new organization must be established to take it's place. One that can enforce what it says, and solve conflicts, even with military might if the need arises.

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Originally posted by «K» Heavyarms

Arnold Schwarzenegger decided yesterday on the tonight show with Jay Leno that he is going to run for governor of California in the recall election on October 7th! It's time for the Governator: Rise of the Californians!


In all seriousness, I believe he has good ideas. We need someone in the governor's seat of one of the states that ISN'T some beaurocratic crapper who can't do anything, which is what the guy in there is doing now! If I was voting in the California election, I'd vote for Arnold, the man with the plaN!


his campiang looks to much like the Bush one.

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Originally posted by Delphi's Clone

And how true how true. The UN is a totally useless organization, who cares if bush ruined it, their was not much left to ruin. It cant handle and solve conflicts, the organization has no right on bieng and a new organization must be established to take it's place. One that can enforce what it says, and solve conflicts, even with military might if the need arises.


Yeah let's go back to those old barbaric ages where everything is solved by killing people...I bet this new organization should be led by the US and all of its decisions should be good for the US 'cuase the US must rule the world because their culture is so much greater the an organization made of of different ones...



Sorry everyone I'm a little pissed and tired.

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*sighs* If I was the Supreme Emperor of the World everyone would be much better off. :rolleyes::)



Well i don't live in California and I was only there 3 times, so I don't know how "screwed up" it is. I don't know much about the US government system (but to be honest I don't know much about any government system) either.

If I was in California and I was over 18 I would vote for Arnie (but of course). Anyway I think if he runs he will have an equal chance of winning and losing because all his fans will vote for him regardless of party favouritism, Republicans will vote for him, but a lot of people won't vote for him because they don't think he can handle it or they don't like brainless action movies starring big, muscular guys with funny accents. :D

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