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The last jedi knight???


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Originally posted by Side

anything better than cuttin a person head and the blood splash evrywhere while he was typing or complaing bout ur laming skill?

but unfortunately the lightsaber technology cauterizes (sp?) the wound ... hence no blood.


like i said previously, i'd like for the next game (if there is one) to allow us to take on the roll of morgan katarn or rahn (the jedi jerec killed?). make it a prequel to the whole jedi knight series.

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I'd like to see the next game be a crossover adventure between the Star Trek and Star Wars galaxies in one game.


And Raven could make it (hey, they've got experience, they did Elite Force AND Jedi Outcast)!



Probably never happen, but I can dream can't I? ; )




That or a completely Dark Side focused game (maybe plotting the career of a young Sith Lord or a fallen Jedi from one of the other stories like Sariss or Tavion, or Mara Jade as Emperor's hand).



Oh and about the blood guys, remember my rant about Maul getting cut in half in TPM and the Cantina scene in ANH? Sabers CAN cause bleeding. But don't worry, that German site will come up with a Blood patch for JA, it's only a matter of time. ; )

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Regarding blood, I think it almost always cautherizes(sp?) the wound.


There were obviously some problems regarding episodes 4 through 6.



You can't expect to totally cut someone in half without some blood escaping, so I figure this is what happened with Maul.



And there was no blood on Obi-Wan or Anakin in AotC.

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Interesting. As Emon said, they shouldn't release a sequel soon after JA evolves. It should run and dissolve peacefully as JK is.


Ever since I played JK, the gang of dark jedi led by Jerec was always so mysterious. If anything, Raven should develop a prequel to JK showcasing the tales of the rise of the dark jedi. You could start the game out as one of the 7: Pic, Gorc, Boc (he r0x0rs my b0x0rs), Sariss, Maw, Yun, and Jerec. They would all have different storylines and eventually intersect. It would be an awesome plot. Environments, storyline, characters, etc. would all be new or at least developed on.


Or they could go the other way and showcase the tales of Rahn and Morgan Katarn. That would also be a prequel.


Done. Two games with plots of very high potential! Yeah!

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thats quite an interesting idea JDKnite188, however, i see one problem with it: you know what the ending for each character is going to be. every single one of those 9 characters dies. and 8 of their deaths are catalogued in JK (Morgans is in one of the books). okay, so they all might not necessarily die in the game(s) but, youd still know that eventually theyll be killed by Kyle or Jerec or whoever so..some of the fun is spoiled.

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Originally posted by ImmolatedYoda

thats quite an interesting idea JDKnite188, however, i see one problem with it: you know what the ending for each character is going to be. every single one of those 9 characters dies. and 8 of their deaths are catalogued in JK (Morgans is in one of the books). okay, so they all might not necessarily die in the game(s) but, youd still know that eventually theyll be killed by Kyle or Jerec or whoever so..some of the fun is spoiled.


Yeah, I realize that the ending is already there. I was thinking along the lines that the ending to the whole game would be the capture of a corellian corvette by the dark jedi's SSD Vengeance. After that level ends, the ending cutscene will be some form of the beginning cutscene of JK. The game will not end with the ending of JK, but instead it will end with JK's beginning.


Morgan Katarn's story is a book? What book?

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Morgan Katarn's story is a book? What book?

the Dark Forces trilogy. the books (paperback or hardback, i have paperback) describe Kyles story. Soldier for the Empire starts before Dark Forces, leading up to the first mission of DF. Rebel Agent tells about Jedi Knight up to Kyles escape from Gorc and Pic. and finally, Jedi Knight finishes off JK.


i was saying that Morgans death is in a book, the first of the Dark Forces trilogy. the next book details Morgans discovery of the Valley of the Jedi and tells some about Rahns story right before JK. neither are more than mentioned in the last book.

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Originally posted by adillon

but unfortunately the lightsaber technology cauterizes (sp?) the wound ... hence no blood.


I must say I disagree because in ANH, Ben Kenobi cuts off the arm of that wanted merc, and you seed blood near the arm, plus in ATOC, you see blood near his arm and leg wounds.

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The fact that all those characters die sometime in the future shouldn't diminish the fun to be had.


Did anybody complain about "Bounty Hunter" because it features Jango Fett, who dies in the first movie he's in?


Or how about any game featuring Darth Maul? Vader? Boba Fett? Even Obi-Wan!


C'mon people, even the fact that



Chewbacca died in a past NJO novel

shouldn't stop people from enjoying seeing him in a game and playing as him if they want to.


Heck, I would think it would be even better, because it brings them "back to life" in a way for "one more adventure" before the curtain call. ; )



I still think they should make "Dark Force II: Jedi Knight Infinities" where Kyle goes to the Dark Side and what happens next.

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yeah, i see your point Kurgan but..i dont know, we are talking about relatively small characters in the SW universe (they were only in a few things), and that just feels different to me. also, i saw the movies before i played any game with those main characters in it. however, i did not say that i wouldnt enjoy a game where you play as Rahn or Jerec, or DF/JK Infinities-type game(s). i would, very much so.

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Originally posted by Emon

A game where Kyle chose the dark side in JK would be rather dull. You have all the power in the universe, there is no challenge.


That's what Emperor Palpatine thought, and look what happened to him. :D


They could always play down (to an extent) the powers that the Valley could convey in the end to the ultimate Dark side Kyle. And with the forces of the New Republic out to stop him, why should there be no challenge?


Anyway, I agree with a lot of the stuff mentioned elsewhere in the thread. There is just so much potential for other stories in this series, either light side or dark side, that it would be foolish not to do any more of them. With Jedi Academy, especially, the series has taken a 'new route' and introduced the 'new' character that many of us wanted to see for this sequel, while not completely forgetting Kyle. As I said in my previous post, future Jedi games need not have hordes of Dark Jedi to tackle...just a handful of more powerful enemies you tackle several times throughout the course of the game. After all, that's what happened in the Classic trilogy of the movies. I think that would actually be more interesting.


And I'd love to play a whole game as a Dark sider...

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Did anybody complain about "Bounty Hunter" because it features Jango Fett, who dies in the first movie he's in?

No ... they complained because it was mediocre ... ;)


I think a Dark Side game would be really cool - even though I'm a by-choice light sider. I would relish going against New Republic troops - or even put it somewhere before Ep1 as mentioned before ... a Jedi turned against others ...



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Originally posted by Kurgan


Did anybody complain about "Bounty Hunter" because it features Jango Fett, who dies in the first movie he's in?

Even Obi-Wan!



Actually, there is that Star Wars: Obi-Wan game for the X-box which leads you from before Episode 1 all the way up to Darth Maul, plus then there is that Star Wars: Jedi power Battles which I haven't played, but they show Obi-wan and Mace Winduon the box cover art.

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then there is that Star Wars: Jedi power Battles which I haven't played, but they show Obi-wan and Mace Winduon the box cover art.


And Qui-gon. And if you beat the game, you can play as Darth Maul (rather fun)


Or how about any game featuring Darth Maul? Vader? Boba Fett? Even Obi-Wan!


I'd definitely buy a game featuring Maul. It'd be nice to learn about his history, and wield the dual-saber (even though we will in JA but oh well)


Only thing I'm thinking would be bad is the enebitable....Maul dies. Of course, that didn't stop Lucasarts in Jedi Power Battles, where you can fight Maul (and win) with Qui-Gon. Oh well.

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