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Lilo and Stitch Trivia Game!


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Okay... my daughter is almost 2 and is a fan of Lilo and Stitch. A HUGE fan. In fact, I've watched Lilo and Stitch at least 11 times this weekend! (hey.. it keeps her occupied) We were swimming in the pool and she wanted to leave, saying "Lilostitch!"


So... I have got to be the world's leading authority on the movie. Or... at least as much an authority as LeXX, STTCT, and Griff38 (who are each parents as far as I know)!


I propose a trivia game based on Lilo and Stitch! It might not get past 5 or 10 posts, but who knows.... maybe there are some real fans out there! :D


First the rules: Answer a trivia question, then post your own question. Thats it... if you get it wrong, then we'll just move on with the next question and the originator of the question that was answered incorrectly will have to supply the correct answer.



First Question: What was Lilo's and Nani's last name?


(if you need hints, yell... I'll give 'em) :cool:

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Originally posted by SkinWalker

How do we know it was Pelekai? Where exactly did the name appear?


Okay... I'll give. It was on the adoption papers for Stitch at the dog pound! Lower right corner, you can see it just as she stamps the paper.


Here's another... if nobody joins in.... I'll let it die ;)



Why was Lilo late for the dance class?

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