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Time again for another goofy picture thread!

Darth Groovy

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Sorry if that means sumtin serious in swedish, it's just it doesn't take anything more than the word fart to make my family laugh.

Anyhow, the talitubby thing I've seen before, but the bush matrix ione was good, and so was the tali wars one was nicly done.


Keep em coming, cus we need some humor round here.



I just uploaded this pic, here ya go...womandriver5.jpg?mtbrand=AOL_US


If it doesn't work, go here

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Originally posted by BongoBob

...Sorry if that means sumtin serious in swedish, it's just it doesn't take anything more than the word fart to make my family laugh.

No problem! I can even tell you what in means!


You know, in sweden, "fart" means "speed":D. I understand if you think that's a bit funny!


The whole sign means that there are bumps in the way, to slow down cars(I dunno what they are called in English).

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Originally posted by |GlobensGeng|

The whole sign means that there are bumps in the way, to slow down cars(I dunno what they are called in English).


we call them 'speed bumps',


sometimes they are referred to as 'sleeping policeman' don't ask me why, i don't know and i would never call them that, but some people do *shrugs*

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Originally posted by Evil Max

For the love of god don't look!





































Told ya not to look....:eek: :eek: :eek:


Funny, but TOTALLY not appropriate for LF. You can even see his balls. :(


Link Removed,

get with the program people! :mad: Next person that posts a pic like that gets a ban, and the next time I see a pic like this, the thread will be locked as easy as I created it... Jeezum Crow, you think you would have seen my first post and the guidlines I set forth-- scratch that, you think you would know all the rules by now! :tsk:



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Originally posted by BongoBob


That is friggin hilarious.

Where do you guys get these from?

I do a search on google for the word "funny" and its an image search btw.



Ha what a moron...his peepee in the exhaust pipe, AND he is wearing lingere(sp?) he must have lost a big bet or something.


edit: why hasnt this been removed yet? Freaking noobs...read the rules before you register damn it.

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Next idiot that posts a picture like Evil Max recieves a ban. Next time I have to edit a picture in this thread, it will be closed! :mad:


Leave it to idiots to go and ruin a good thing. You can all thank Evil Max for pissing me off today.



Evil Max, next time you post something like that, I'll ban you myself.

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