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Updated Baby Pics!


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my girl seems to be the "coolest" baby in the world. i mean she must have invented the word "calm" .. she only "cries" if she sees a person wearing glasses. as soon as the glasses are away -> :D .. and then she doesnt care about the glasses of that person anymore.


and she sleeps the whole night since she was 3 month (from 0800pm to 0600am) an before that she only wanted "mother" at 0100 and 0400 .. :rolleyes:


the first two weeks she slept between us and then she got her own crip with a "fence" around so she cant roll away.


she is so.. calm. starring at anything she sees and "talking" anything and anybody to death .. but hardly gets "nervous" ..


and her favor are greeeeeeeeeeeeeeen trees. yeah.




(still no scanned photos :()

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Originally posted by Chase Windu

Yeah, cute kid. I just hope all these kids don't grow up around these forums. They may turn out even more messed up that us.:D


NO. i keep her away from this tool of evilness!!!!!!!! :D:D:D


gunner: lol .. *ehem* me have a nice kid and cleavage .. *ehem*


hehe. but sine i can use*cough*touch*cough* watch it if i like so .. *cough*

my eyes are alway directed at my babee.. :)






[edit] .. i thought gunner is a wacko??

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Weirdo? Me?.....not in the least bit.


100% male? Oh yeah baby!


I rememebr when my wife had our first baby. I was like, "oh my gosh, would you look at them puppies".


What can I say.;)


In all seriousness though. You have a great looking kid Ray. Enjoy this time because this stage is great. :)

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Enjoy this time because this stage is great.


yeah you're right gunner.. it's a great time. it's cool to see everyday how they grow up .. everyday they can do new things ..


i just love it!


oh and that cleavage is that of her mother.. we're not married but that's quiiiite ok, married or not we're sticked together like bubblegum and sole!!!



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