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So why hasn't the mod community boomed?


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after seeing mots and JK mod community be so huge and active, i watched it slowly die. Then when i heard Jedi Outcast came out, I was like the mod community has life, and the game comes out, , great game so i know a lot played it, but the mod community got a tiny active and then died fast. I dont understand?



They released mod tools, people told me the game engine is mod friendly. So why is it dead? Also any word of Jedi Academy will have any new mod tools any better ones?

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Who says the mod community is dead?


The thing is, good mods take time. All the easy skins and saber mods have been done already.


And remember that we had no official tools for JK/MotS and it took years for the editing community to get off on the right foot.


With the easy transition to JA, why couldn't this also be the case?

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Every engine has limitations. If that's what you're asking. The Q3TA engine is certainly more powerful than Sith engine.


It may not have all of the same features (like the dynamic lightsaber light source) but some of those 'Missing features' seem to be added in JA.


Many things have changed since 1998. Now new moddable games come out so fast, it's hard for any community to get well established before "the next big thing" comes along. This is why I think Raven had the right idea to use the same engine and make the transition with mods easier.


JA will complement the JK2 mod community, much in the same way that MotS complemented JK1.

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yea, like Kurgan said (seems like all I am doign tonite is complimenting him) that great mods take time, like the Attack of the Clones TC and the Dark Forces/Dark Forces 2 Enhanced Mods are also being ported over directly to Jedi Academy I believe since there was only so much the teams could do before the lack of SP Source SDK left them hanging dry on what is left to do. But with JA, the MP is going to be designed similar to SP, which will allow for better mods and TC's to do what they want.

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For the record, real mod (code mod) community is mostly dead. There are dabbling here and there, negotiation of starting glorious projects , but no real action.


Reason: lack of appreciation.


Most of the modders that I personally know are fed up with the lack of appreciation that emanates from JK2 players. I would say that if JediMod was never released as open source, the community would be in much better shape now. Frankly, when a modder asks for feedback, and gets "add emotez liek JediPluSS" as reply, or 'I wunt two sabre', it makes you think, what exactly the people here want. So far, all non-SW mods have been bashed to death. The rest...90% of them are jedimod derivatives, mostly with added emotes and admin commands...and there are 1 or 2 finished mods that are somewhat original.


The state of online multiplayer is something to ponder about as well....I personally do not want to create mods for the people I see on most public servers - whiny, lacking even basic skills, emote-spamming and color spamming kids. When anything except swinging your saber in a 'duel' is lame, and when they attack you as 5 versus 1 and you defeat them, and you are lame. Reminds me of Counter Strike, honestly. If you kill somebody, you are a cheater/lamer. And the kid admin comes with Sleep and Slap.


I have seen many promising modders trying their luck with JK2. Most of them left in frustration. Some switched back to good old Quake3. The only remaining people are the ones that still believe that redemption is possible...I am sadly on a borderline, torn by both sides on the ring.


Future will tell.

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=X= mod 2.x



Made by the best players in the game and input taken from the best players in the game (well the best from jk2 but you get the point).



If you are a serious no nonsense gamer who values game play and mechanics over "MAKE TEH GAME SO I CAN BE JUST LIKE TEH DARF MALL AND DO THE BUTTER PHLY MOVEZ RAAAGGGHH!" mentality bookmark that page and check it out in about a month.

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I've only done a little bit of modding myself (a few skins), but what I found annoying about mods is that I couldn't really use them online. There are a ton of models, skins, and maps out there, so it is not for lack of content. But unless other people have the same mods, and unless the server isn't pure, you can't really use them in MP. I mean, after all this time FFA_BESPIN is still probably the most popular FFA map out there. There are some great models available, for the most part I've only seen Vader, Maul, and maybe a few others.


So as a modder, where is the real incentive? In a funny way, I've found SP to be a more appealing way to get your mod out there. For all the skins I've done, for the most part the only emails I get are requests to turn them into SP to replace Kyle or whatever. The same with maps. People love SP maps.


Just some of my observations.

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Though the JO modding community is far from dead, it has certainly slowed down a bit. My guess is that they're simply waiting for JA to come out. After all, JA will add features that will allow for both easier modding and more options. Once JA comes out, expect a deluge of mods.


As I said before, the community is far from dead. The release of several excellent SP levels (such as Occupation 2, Project Lighthouse, and the Colosseum mod) in the past month or two is a living testimony of that.

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I agree that the mod community has certainly slowed down quite a bit, and there were only a few mods that I was actually interested in. Its just that the majority of the mods were skinpacks or emote fun fests, something I wasn't very interested in. And the TC's have apparently stopped, due to JA.

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Well, as I alluded to before, the reason you see so many emotes, saber packs, duel maps, skins, etc. is because as mods go, those are quickest and easiest to do.


Simply put, better mods take more time and effort. You can't expect full fledged Total Conversions every week, now can you? How is that realistic?

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JK has been out 6 years. Players know how to mod it, and are familiar with the system.


JO has been out 1 1/2 years. Players know what the engine is like, but do not have access to SP source, and it is better to mod a more popular game, or an older one.


What are you asking for? Every imaginable Star Wars model, skin, or hilt has been made for JO. There are very good maps out there- most players don't know they exist, or don't see any point besides sitting around the ffa_bespin map all day and cussing poeple out.

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most SDKs take years before they are released to the modding community an example is freespace 2 its SDK came out last year and the game has been out for 3-4 years


maybe in the late future they will release the SP Source code but we will have to wait for that to happen

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Well, they never released the SP SDK for JK or MotS and yet people still found ways to mod that.



Anyway, with scripting in MP, and the limits on objects and stuff raised (hopefully significantly) we should be able to create some nice missions in MP...


Coop, Siege, etc... could all be within our grasp.

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I think the reason people were able to do that for JK/MotS was because JK/MotS used a scripting language which did everything from how the weapons worked to doors opening in levels. It's files were just text files with a .cog file extension, so they were very easy to edit and make new ones.

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I've never had any interest in MP mods. I'm a SP mapper, so the lack of SP SDK hasn't affected me much.


In general, people like new SP maps more than MP, but for a SP map to be good, it requires a good storyline, which can take a while to write and so most people map MP. As said, the editing community is far from dead. We still have many mods coming out.


My project, "The Attack on Yavin: 2" is coming out in the next few months, except for some technical difficulties (can't get my map to compile into a bsp, which is the file the game uses).

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I think the reason people were able to do that for JK/MotS was because JK/MotS used a scripting language which did everything from how the weapons worked to doors opening in levels. It's files were just text files with a .cog file extension, so they were very easy to edit and make new ones.


Good point. Conceded.

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