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Kama Sutra

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know it?



Games are not always kid stuff, are they?



it was a france game that from what most say, did was porno but it was pure adventure :rolleyes: ...


anyway, i would like to check it out :p

but it never went out of the france limits neither got it self in english....


well, i have to remember those little Frence i know :D


check this review for more ;)

Kama Sutra Review


check some photos 18-







and some 18+ :p




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You mean you didn't love this one?


I just saw it. Very cool. I'm trying the quote out for size. I'm also still trying to figure out the paradox between having payed slightly more to rent Donnie Darko and Punch-Drunk Love than it costs to see Freddy vs. Jason in theatres. (What's worse, a week earlier, I actually saw Open Range. It's not Freddy vs. Jason, but still...)


Something seems unsettling about the whole situation.

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Donnie Darko is one of the best movies I've seen this year. It has the same actor who plays Homer in the movie October Sky, another very good movie that I recommend anyone see, and he does well in DD.


Anyway, going back on topic, I haven't played the game but I have seen the Bollywood movie Kama Sutra, it's ok.

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I seem to be in a minority on this matter, but I must confess I found Donnie Darko to be pretty dumb. Donnie's character was promising, but the movie sort of fell apart as it went on. All that time-travel stuff seemed really hokey to me, and the whole movie felt very self-important and smug about how deep it was being, when I didn't feel like there was really enough originality to justify the attitude it took. By the end of the movie, I was really ready for it to end. But it seems like a lot of people quite liked it, so what do I know? :)


I don't really have anything to say about pleto's post, so this sentence is as close as I'm going to come to being on-topic.

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Originally posted by remixor

I seem to be in a minority on this matter, but I am a big idiot. Donnie's character makes me want to cry, and only now do I realize how insignificant I am. Not only that, but I only disagree as an act of compensation. All that time-travel stuff seemed really hokey to me, and the whole movie felt very self-important and smug about how deep it was being, when I didn't feel like there was really enough originality to justify the attitude it took. By the end of the movie, I was really ready for it to end. But it seems like a lot of people quite liked it, so what do I know? :)

After having watched a few of the deleted scenes and found out what the movie was *really* about, I do agree that it took itself too seriously (or, rather, the writer took it too seriously), but like Squarepusher, I give it points for trying. I didn't have the same reactions as the rest of your post. I was really anxious to see the end (not out of boredom, that is). I thought it was a decent take on the "time travel" thing (and I'm always a fan of time travel), if muddled by the crappy "science" dialogue. (Don't dare take a plastic vessel through that wormhole! It has to be metal!). And the writer and the actor do a brilliant job with Donnie's character. When do we get to see an adventure game with a character that complex?


Oh.. topic? Um... yeah. Some dude from some message board IMed me and he was like "I wanna seem more nudity in games! Nudity, yeah, yeah! That'll maek games more mature. What's the big deal, anyway? It's only skin. I'm getting so excited. brb" So in the wrong hands (no pun intended), this game may not be any more mature than GTA3+.

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How does it take itself too seriously? I've not seen the deleted scene or DVD commentary but in the bits of interviews I've read, Richard Kelly downplays a lot of decisions he made and leaves things open to the viewer's own interpretation.


I didn't think the sci-fi dialogue was tacky. I thought it fit into the whole 'genremix' thing it had going. Though I can sort of understand if you felt that it was a bit out of place in a movie that's not strictly sci-fi.

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The sci-fi itself is great. It's just the dialogue -- it's obvious they spared at least part of an expense in the technical consultant area.


See, he says it's a movie about divine intervention (to the limit of being open to interpretation, of course). In several of the deleted scenes, he discusses aspects of religion (even more) openly.


Still, that said, it's the best movie I've seen since Citizen Kane (in terms of the date I saw it -- not production date, you loon).

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I'm not sure how to put it solidly into words, but I just felt the whole movie was very goofy and I couldn't take it seriously the whole time. I was constantly rolling my eyes. I know I must be the only person here who feels that way, but I just can't help it. I did say I thought Donnie's character is interesting; that's the one part of the movie I enjoyed. I'm not crazy about the rabbit thing either. To be honest, I don't really like much of it at all except Donnie's character as he's established earlier in the film. I haven't seen it in about a year, so it's hard for me to get TOO specific.



Originally posted by twifkak

Still, that said, it's the best movie I've seen since Citizen Kane (in terms of the date I saw it -- not production date, you loon).

:eyes8: Please, PLEASE tell me you only very recently saw Citizen Kane :eyeraise: I'm sorry, but putting those films anywhere close to each other in terms of quality, even tangentially, hurts my brain. :D

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Originally posted by remixor

:eyes8: Please, PLEASE tell me you only very recently saw Citizen Kane :eyeraise: I'm sorry, but putting those films anywhere close to each other in terms of quality, even tangentially, hurts my brain. :D

I just saw it about 6 months ago, max, and no, there are at least seven orders of magnitude difference. (There are probably 5 or 6 between C.K. and any other movie I've seen, actually...) But it's still better than you make it out to be. The bunny rawx.

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The love story is not cheesy, it is not neat, nor prepackaged. It is not a horror; it is not even particularly terrifying. The time travel aspect is not developed muchly - and thank a deity of your choice for that. I just hate lame explanations of time-travel machinations....


It is arrogant, but arrogant is every movie from Hollywood that wants to 'teach' us something about life. However, this movie teaches us nothing. Nothing whatsoever. And that is a plus. I didn't feel it took itself seriously at all - that too is a plus. However, for me the majorest strength of the movie was in its unadulterated grimness....


ZZzzZzzz.... I am so damn tired...

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Originally posted by Kingzjester

It is arrogant, but arrogant is every movie from Hollywood that wants to 'teach' us something about life. However, this movie teaches us nothing. Nothing whatsoever. And that is a plus. I didn't feel it took itself seriously at all - that too is a plus. However, for me the majorest strength of the movie was in its unadulterated grimness....

That comes pretty close to how I'd describe the film too, but it instills in me sort of the opposite opinion.


ZZzzZzzz.... I am so damn tired...

Believe me, I can sympathise at the moment.



EDIT: at the risk of alienating myself from this community, I think I'd better stop talking about this movie :p

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I'm not being defensive quite yet; I'm trying to avoid placing myself in a situation in which I'll need to be defensive. I could say more about the film but at this point I think that doing so would lose any shred of constructive value it may have had. I've managed to keep my cynical-bastard-side off these boards for the most part so far; I don't want to fall into a relapse. My dislike of this film isn't crucial enough that I need to say any more than I've said.

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