Not to mention that current daily builds of ScummVM on Windows default to an OpenGL rendering mode where you have no way whatsoever to simply take a 320x200 resolution game and upscale it to 2X, 3X, etc. with the window fitted to match. Instead it resizes the game screen by default into a very large and distorted resolution, around 1152x864. And the only way to resize the game window is through the extremely imprecise method of using Windows' resize function to make it into something vaguely near the resolution you want.
So you either get horrible pixel stretching, with stuff like the pixelated cursors no longer fitting 1:1 on the background art - along with very noticeable letterboxing/windowboxing if you try to resize it - or (if you use the "Center" option in the launcher graphics settings) a tiny 1x window swallowed up in a void of black.
Apparently the way to change this (as I just figured out after some frustrated tinkering) is to go into the launcher options and select "SDL Surface" as the render mode rather than OpenGL, which allows you to have game windows with pixel-perfect scaling. But the result is that the default presentation of LucasArts games in current ScummVM builds looks absolutely atrocious. I don't get at all why this is the default, and there isn't really any explanation in the launcher to help people find the better rendering options.