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Sith Holocron

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Status Updates posted by Sith Holocron

  1. For your current thread poll, will the planets you model be for KotOR, TSL, or both? Your answer will influence my vote.

  2. Let me know if you need voice overs. As you might know, I mostly do droid voice overs but I'm open to any small part.

  3. No, I haven't. Just waiting on TSLRCM 1.8, M4-78 EP, Exile007's GenoHaradan project, Quanon's Nar Shaddaa addition, Darth Insidious' Insidious Rhen Var, an unannounced project by bead-v, Malchor VI . . . etc.


    I hoping to do some voiceovers for Trex's TJM 2.0.


    I've been killing time playing TOR.


    How about with you? Any projects?

  4. You got someone asking about TJM 1.0 on your TJM 2.0 thread. I suggest that if you re-upload it, that you put the link to it on the original post of your 1.0 thread.


    Once you do that, you should link from your 2.0 thread to your 1.0 thread - just so you don't have answer questions about 1.0 on your 2.0 thread.


    Just a suggestion.

  5. What does Zbyl have left to do for M4-78 EP? E-mail me at home e-mail address rather than replying here.

  6. Is there any suggestion you think you could make that would make TSLRCM a more complete general fix for the TSL experience?

  7. Actually, I saw that shortly after you released it. I made sure to point out to the TSLRCM team two things:


    1) The thread itself, of course

    2) That the permissions require that the unaltered read me to be included in an unaltered state


    I'm still looking forward to Rhen Var.


    On an unrelated note, has Bead-V approached you about using your holocrons? I believe he was working on trying to restore Disciple's holocron quests and he sounded interested in your holocron models. Granted, that was about a month ago that we discussed that so I'm probably slightly out of date at the moment.

  8. I voted for your Coruscant: Jedi Temple Exterior for LF's Mod of the Year here.

  9. I voted for your Korriban Expansion for LF's Mod of the Year here.

  10. What did you think of might suggestion that I emailed you? Reply via PM.

  11. Should I log in so we can add each other?

  12. You're going to have to find another place to host your files now that Megaupload is down.

  13. By the way, was it the Jedi Master you wanted me to voice? You dropped the other two characters, right?

  14. OK, send it to me when you can. (Hard to gauge the dialogue without reading it. ;) LOL)

  15. Send the dlg files to my Gmail account so I can look them over?

  16. That has been not revealed even to me. Zbyl's been teasing about that - hence the multitude of saber color in the teaser video. (You'd think I'd know considering I made those polls over at Deadly Stream.)


    Personally, I think Vash should have a "silver" blade. Kaah - IMHO - should be decided by a vote. However, it's not up to me. I'll probably find out after everyone else. Ten to one, a lot of people will play M4-78 EP before I do after it released before me. I've been so busy lately . . .

  17. Thanks for the reply, DI. I'll ask JCarter about permissions.


    Have you considered putting the resource up at DeadlyForums in the interim?

  18. Q, any chance that Citadel Station Exterior (and Ebon Hawk computer panel) visual upgrades shown in this thread will be finished up and released relatively soon?

  19. I was looking over in TUCe for that shuttle module you mentioned you were going to post up but I couldn't find it. The main reason reason for me looking for it was I was trying to determine what the permissions are. My sources say there isn't a read me in the file whenever it was posted - presumably from your site.


    What I'm trying to figure out is if the shuttle interior that you worked on could be used in the next iteration of TSLRCM. One of the guys on the TSLRCM (Hassat Hunter) wants to restore some of the lines that Atton uses when the party in crashing to the surafce of Telos.


    I'm rambling but hopefully I've not obfuscated the message.

  20. Besides, he only releases information at his own pace anyway! You can't rush Trex because it won't work. (It's been tried before! LOL)

  21. Between you and razorxp there's been a lot of posts in Trex's "The Jedi master 2.0" thread recently . Why not give it a rest for a few weeks to give him a chance to post? It's a little annoying to see the thread get bumped up to the top without seeing a message from Trex in there, you know?

  22. Between you and DarthJango/Weasley there's been a lot of posts in Trex's "The Jedi master 2.0" thread recently . Why not give it a rest for a few weeks to give him a chance to post? It's a little annoying to see the thread get bumped up to the top without seeing a message from Trex in there, you know?

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