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Status Updates posted by jonathan7

  1. Currently the latest set of mods, don't warrant replacing the ones that are up, which are all better than what's up. Modding is slowing down due to the games age unfortunately -- j7

  2. The EaW staff have made the mistake on that regard there is little I can do; sorry :( The issue with the Team Hissis accounts is the submissions came from two separate email accounts; if you are desperate to have them merged the person to speak to would be Shem. GB j7

  3. Heya DI, nothing new in my LF PM box.. Whats up? I'm on Skype now if you need me. GB jx

  4. "Given that a discussion of Arafat's dubious qualifications would also be tangential to the OP, we can take it to PM as well if you'd like."


    My apologies, as much as anyone I was responsible for taking it off-topic, I wasn't intending for you not to be able to reply though, if you want to continue the discussion feel free to either start a new thread, or PM me :) GB j7

  5. I am delighted by your latest post :D -- j7

  6. Sherlock Holmes has nothing on me ;) GB j7

  7. Aye, thats cool, you got a link, or you wanna email me it? GB j7

  8. Only the most important TSL mod in the community; Click Me! GB j7

  9. Aye, I saw, though TBH, your adding in more; I've just released Force Fashion II - Click Me - which adds a most of the Robes anyway, as well as crystals and lightsaber up grades. The reason for my request being as it was, was to keep things simple, and compatible with other mods; configuring the patcher to change the random loot scripts and to update to globals for the lightsaber quest is a large undertaking, as is either removing or bringing forward the Bao Dur conversation. Specifically, with regards compatibility, I was hoping the mod could be compatible with both TSL:CRM and USM -- GB j7

  10. It will be a Mod conflict... What mods have you got installed? GB j7

  11. "So?"


    Force Fashion II adds a whole load of existing, not implemented in game and new robes to a container in the Telos Polar Academy, which also contained Lightsaber improvement crystals, lenses and what not. GB j7

  12. There's nothing you can do about people misreading things, so I wouldn't worry about that :) GB j7

  13. No worries :) What would you like it changed to? My 2cents is, the title sounds find to me, and its your fan fic, so call it whatever you want, let me know the name of it if you do want it changed and I shall make it so :) GB j7

  14. IIRC you can't change a Thread Title. What's the thread link, and what do you want it changed too? GB j7

  15. Hehe, yeah I did, no worries :) GB j7

  16. I'm good cheers Candy, hows you? GB j7

  17. Do you know if Canderous default clothing is left in TSL assets? GB j7

  18. Send her over :) GB j7

  19. Hey, I'm well thanks, not too much going on atm job hunting - which is great fun *cough* Just trying to get older mods up at KotOR Files - so emailing modders and hoping they still use that email account. Considering what Philosophy book to read next; what you upto atm? GB j7

  20. I have moved your post to the correct thread; click me, should you be wondering what happened to it ;) GB j7

  21. Dunno if saw this; but let me know if you would be interested in doing that... GB j7

  22. Bonjour! Haven't spoken to you for ages... Hows tricks? Finally released Force Fashion 2 :D GB j7

  23. Glad you like the mod :) Your up btw; http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Flickering_Lightsaber_Blades;104551 No worries about lots of VM's tis what they are for... Especially when you don't use Skype :xp: GB j7

  24. Hehe, I already have my own green.tga ready :xp: Let me know when its on KotOR Files and I'll review! GB j7

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