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Bee Hoon

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Status Updates posted by Bee Hoon


  2. Hee, much better today :) In other news, Mr. Bee will be visiting starting from tomorrow, so am quite stoked about it :) I don't expect I'll be studying enough, but heh ;o

  3. Curry, of course. If only there had been showers of coconut milk and hail of meaty bits of mutton!


    That having been said, I plan to ignore all the red dust on the balcony and hope sis will do something about it:p

  4. Died of eating...too fast? D: Henceforth I shall savour my food and not gobble! Moving! And Poland! Wow, planning to participate or spectate? My summer hols (remember that Aussieland is upside down!) will be spent eating, eating and eating some more in Malaysia :p I am going to miss the move because I am flying hoooome, hehe, Thankfully dad booked the ticket before such plans were made :D

  5. Hee, wonder LF will survive that long! So I've been told (about the making babies) :p I can't believe it's almost the end of the year...and my finals are in 9 weeks or so, 7 of which I still have full on classes and assignments. Plus I have a 3500 word *reflective* essay due before the final. They like us to *reflect* and develop as *reflective* practitioners >.>

  6. Political party! Which one? I should interrogate you when we both have more leisure, I've always wondered what inspires anyone to do so. Good luck with the move and hope you get some accomodation asap! I'm moving closer to uni (and the hospital) at the end of year, thank goodness. Two hours daily on bus/train is wearing me out :p

  7. Lol, you have to be the first person who's said that it's fun! Oh well, at least financial independence is looming in your near future :)

  8. If you'll take my finals for me and ace them! In addition to writing a couple of 2000 word assignments for me. This term is a cancer patient, and then a geriatric patient :p Also, what is with all this Chinese characters? :p

  9. Not my type of music, brother!

  10. I could whine endlessly about my health! I keep getting colds/sore throats etc, my back hurts, I feel like I'm 200 years old! Plus I should be studying, sigh. Yourself? :)

  11. Aussieland is okay :p Sydney is filled with Asians, sometimes I feel like I never left Malaysia! Apart from my annoying commute and how expensive everything is and tiresome Australian bureaucracies, I quite like it here. Also, male medical students are a dying breed :p How have you been? :)

  12. Congrats on exactly 2500 posts :p Now you need to make it 25000 ^_^


    Well, I can say "Oh, childbirth looks terrible and what a responsibility yada yada" but as soon as I turn around and see little 'uns running about and making the cutest sounds, I have maternal hormones gushing through me by the gallon >:[ It's hard to fight biology!

  13. What did Nappy do! Sigh, I really should be studying, shall run away after this and read about antiarrhythmics. Or die trying. Or pass out, at any rate :p How's life been for you> Summer hols? Going anywhere?

  14. Sorry dude :p Anyway, new topic is up!

  15. *screams and faints*

  16. Darathy :p How have you been? Your entry confused me greatly, but in a good way. Also, new topic is out if you're interested :)

  17. Study Sabre! Also I don't know most of those games you mentioned :p

  18. Thanks for relaying the msg :p How's you?

  19. Happy birthday dear! <3 How's the shiny hunk of metal and plastic sitting in front of you?

  20. But that's why everyone kisses the ground that classical theatre actors walk on ;D Anyway, I was under the impression that stuffing up lines when filming is often an expensive exercise!


    Too true :p I miss my parents! :( Also, this whole hormone thing is a conspiracy to make females WANT kids >:[ All the females turn to putty in the presence of cute kids :p

  21. I am slacking, that's what :p So tell me about Napoleon!

  22. Lolwut indeed! :lol: Where in the depths pf the internet did you find that?

  23. Eeee cute! Lol, serves you right for attempting to tell a 4 year old about Hitler :lol: Also, I cannot believe that you were interested in WW2 at that age! You must have been a crazy kid :p


    Noooooo this assignment is driving me nuts.

  24. Yours are worse, plus you should adjust to my times since you're on holiday by now (I think?) :p

  25. Hehe, take your time. I wish I had more time to write! The weather today was lovely, and I had half an hour in a park writing. Wheee. I'm not usually home so early though:/

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