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Everything posted by Bee Hoon
"Very good, but I want to sleep. Good night!"
I use lots of them but Sabre just makes me break them into shorter sentences ;_; I don't write frenzied. Who can write while frenzied without including much capslock abuse and exclamation marks?
Heh, I'm afraid that the situation in my country is...difficult. It has to do with the quota system and bad bad BAD administration. You country is pretty difficult to move though, I imagine it has a lot of inertia, so to speak.
Label your segments! At least then there'll be no doubt as to who the narrator in that segment is. Try to strike a nice balance between them, and think about which scene would be most effective from which character's POV. But I'm sure you knew that.
I am schozzled, so good night and bai bai!
Emo Litofsky is emo
All action scenes, basically:p I tend to be verbose, which really detracts from the pacing. I'd love to write in more emotion, but damned Jedi have to fight like machines >:[
Shouldn't they count it by consistent performance?:/ Silly education system! They should let teachers run it, not bureaucrats.
Well, the education system here is all about exams too, but stupidly, they mess with the bell curve and give out more and more As and produce more and more public university graduates who can hardly speak English. Quality over quantity! Where did that maxim go? D: Some graduates are fantastic, but others really drag the unis down. Witness the meteoric decline of Malaysian unis in the rankings:/
Mmm, sounds good. Timeframe? I tried writing a fic on Dxun once... it's still knocking around somewhere,
佷好, 可是我要睡觉了. 晚安!
And I took way too long to find all the characters.
You have school on Saturday? O_o Awww, poor widdle Litofsky ;D
I am waiting for writer's block to clear:P And trying to be less failsauce at writing action scenes ;_; How do they teach you, hmm? One day I shall whine about the farce that is Moral Education in Malaysia.
I wanna visit Xi'an
Write away! I'm hoping that this month will have more entries--cantina has been a bit quiet of late.
Go find food then! Litofsky must learn survival instincts, sims-style.
When hungry, eat! When need to use the loo, do so! When feeling lonely, harass people!
What was it about? Don't feel bad, I've should have learned it yearssss ago and my grasp is awful.
Wai you wake up so early! God only wakes up once it's too warm to sleep comfortably! Smash away then;p
Litofskyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hai.
Let's see, it says that you posted at 11.39.a.m. Actually, Malaysia is under one timezone 'cuz we didn't want to fiddle with it
We follow the timezone of East Malaysia, iirc. Aussie os 2 or 3 hours ahead of us, depending on daylight saving. I finished all my housework, so not too bad:P
I find the image of sheeple very cute, actually
But yes, I've heard the term.
I find it very hard to wrap my tongue around the way mainlanders speak. They've got a sort of burr, and they put 儿 behind everything
Malaysian Chinese don't do that, heh.
I tend to revert to saying everything with an English accent of in doubt D: Should throw myself into rural China, then my Mandarin will improve exponentially
Go sleeps!
Iz good morning if I can avoid housework until after lunch >.>
Sabre haz good morning?
Well, it wasn't boring for me:D I enjoyed it a lot. Walking around and sitting in random cafes eating gelati <3 Which incidentally cost us an arm and a leg each >.> I watched musicals in London, which made me unbelievably happy <3
Lol, plenty of cute petite girls in Asia;p I'm sort of envious 'cuz they can wear heels, but then I wouldn't really wanna wear heels anyway!
Unsafe is appealing? O_o Young males with risk taking behaviour!
Ooh, nice! I'm horribly tone deaf, so I always get the intonations all wrong
I can understand much more than I can speak though--often end up thinking of the words I need in other dialects >.> Boo!
Yep, I know the words for America
You know the meaning? It's been used and abused in every sob story about Chinese babies getting adopted.
Yesh it is! It is long and involves lots of emperors and wars and scandals. I skimmed over most of it
You know anything about the four great beauties?
I'm coming onto Skype in half an hour and I expect a quick beta before I publish Chapter 2!
I speak it very badly
But yes, I understood that. We're not technically part of the Islamic empire, and surprise surprise, we're not technically and Islamic state, although we sure act like it >.>
Malaysia = 马来西亚
I had to look that up D:
Ancient China's history is gobsmackingly long! @_@ I'd love to know more bout Japan though, especially the Meiji period. Hmm, wiki to the rescue! Eventually
Taking what approach, hmm?
Chapter 1 of Max Payne has you flailing around the warehouse. And what is still big? Jabberwillenglock?
'Tis true. It was just positive reinforcement.
The bee is never involved in biting ironies!
And JABBERWILLENGLOCK is not a name. And I am happy that you review fics in the CEC
Do approve!