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Bee Hoon

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Everything posted by Bee Hoon


  2. Who were what! I am on but I don't see you!

  3. It's quite recent;D Just a few weeks back!

  4. That is absurd indeed! We sold our souls already and now we must adhere to the terms and conditions ;D Yay, free time is good <3 We need more EW posts! Oh btw, where should I start if I read the Ender series?

  5. WAI NOT


    Oh dear :lol: Even for such short periods?


    Well, he did compose the SW theme and that absolves him of all sins :p And how do you know that, pray tell? I don't even remember what I was viewing :lol: The CGI? You don't mean Jar Jar Binks, do you? :p



  6. It's okay:) How have you been? Haven't talked to you for ages!

  7. Hee, if you don't mind waiting, could you? Because I'm mainly writing this bigass fic just to give context to ONE CHAPTER which is a long way down the road D:

  8. WAI SO EMO!


    Okay, tmrw sounds good. I was trying to get onto Skype earlier but my computer is acting up >:3 I shall threaten it with much EATING.


    On the other hand, a lot of Revan's coolness has to do with the retconning in TSL :lol: The Anakin/Padme dialogue was SO. BAD. In Episode II, I nearly choked to death at some of Anakin's lines.



  9. Hehe, thanks EW! :D It's been a few weeks :p

  10. To be fair, I don't think he's actually directly involved in the games...? :p In any case, Revan is way cooler than Anny boy >:3

  11. Hey, regarding The Exile's Final Fate--you should make one thread for comments and one thread for the finished fic, then link the comments thread in the finished fic. Then I'll move it for you :)

  12. It is awfully warm;D especially if you're a tourist tromping around in daytime. Plus the humidity is awful. It's been raining a lot though... A good rule of thumb when visiting tropical countries is to make sure that your holiday doesn't coincide with the monsoon season. A lot of island resorts close during those periods.


    Ah, I see. Sounds like you disapprove:P Moving to your own place? Crazy independent Westerners;D I actually like living at home, hehe. In fact, even after I move out, I'll be staying with my sister anyway;p

  13. That's what LF is for! ;o

  14. Heh, if they even dared to try, the geek rage would be overwhelming :lol: I can just imagine the insane fallout of doing something so dumb!

  15. Change the second to and that should fix the link!

  16. If they do, I will will go straight into geek rage >:3 Anyway, 300 years shouldn't leave more than a skeleton:/ I've never played an MMO, and I dunno whether I'll have the time and inclination to do so. I want Obsidian to make KotOR III, dammit >:3 Would be nice to play as both Revan and Exile :D


  18. You have to *draw* one? Whatever for?:/ This isn't art class! Boo MMO! D: I want KotOR 3!

  19. I was writing! And schozzled! And am working from home today, hehe.

  20. If you don't want voice calls much, or if you don't mind everyone listening in, then no :)


    What history project? I can haz crash course plz?

  21. DO NOT WANT!


    And you still have not read Sandman! Blasphemer! Do so at once or you shall be put to death!


    I still need to polish, as I was writing while feeling really hazy and schozzled last night. Seems to be good for creativity though.

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