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Bee Hoon

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Everything posted by Bee Hoon

  1. I just finished Chapter 1, and I am giddy @_@ The controls are a bit...jumpy, for lack of a better word.

  2. Ah, I see ;) Go worship Dev more, he enjoys basking in adulation ;D


    East Asian empires! :o Which ones? My history syllabus was awful (i.e. history of EVERY other country besides Malaysia and the Islamic empire was crammed into 2 measly chapters). So be glad that you're getting a good education in that sense :p


    I just got my grubby hands on Max Payne 2, and am off to try it! :D How are you, homework aside?

  3. Sorry dear, was doing RL stuff. And I have Max Payne 2 now! *rubs hands gleefully*

  4. That depends on who you acknowledge as your liege >.>


    Make sure you check out mach's stuff, because he is awesome :p REad his article on the Mandalorians--it'll make you see them in a different light!

  5. *Oh, it actually says my real name. I am schozzled :p

  6. It was unintentional :o I am blur, hehe!

  7. It says Bee Hoon in Devanagri, courtesy of Sabre :p


    Social studies! Is that a required subject?;P Mm, it's true. Take care to make it clear who the narrator is each section is though--I always mess up in that department ;P


    Thankies! Although I probably should derail a bit and whip up something for the cantina.

  8. I just noticed that your birthday is on February 29th:O




    Now we just need to wait till 2012... :xp:

  9. Oh, that's great! Moar participants=better! Inyri chose a great topic, but I'll have to see--thus far I have two ideas, one of which is soppy and sad, while the other is funny and doesn't make much sense ;D


    Hehe, yeah, I know what you mean. I probably should have written everything before posting, but I can be impatient ;P That's good advice.


    Well, it really began as a snippet based on a twisted idea I had while studying. Then I showed it to a few people and they were all "BEE WHERE DID THAT COME FROM??". So now I have to write tons and tons of context just for that idea! *dies*

  10. Slowly! I keep getting distracted. The following two chapters are done, but after that, there's a big gap.


    I wrote this whole damned thing just to give context to one chapter ;_; That's not going to appear for ages!

  11. *lag* Really? That's weird. Either that or I just like playing her with sabrestaff:p Did she have the two weapon fighting feats?

  12. Sounds like a pretty general description to me :lol: I find that pretty much all of that falls within the subset of my mummy's rules though o_Q

  13. At least that brings me to 4.685 points! o_Q


    Than how do you define legal, Mr. Wise Guy? :p

  14. Hungry Sabre is hungry!

  15. Legal=whatever I can do without being scolded by my mummy :halo2:


    Only 2.342? D:

  16. How have you been?

  17. Sabre my muse has fled! And protective bro looks good in a monocle o_Q

  18. Bee is a very good girl and does not engage in activities that are not legal in all places >.> How about Litofsky?


    Tyger tyger burning bright

    In the forests of the night

    What immortal hand or eye

    could frame thy fearful symmetry?


    P.S. Siberian tiger cubs are SO CUTE.

  19. Bee's life goes sleepily :p Hehe, it's a long story. Involving much conspiracy :o

  20. What! No Asia!D: You should visit. Asia is incredible--you have to see it for yourself! Europe tends to be rather...stately. But Asia is just so vibrant!


    >.> You got me there (on AFAIK), most Asians are pretty short.


    Yeah. we did. Ages and ages ago;p I'd love to go, but I'm not sure how safe it is. Yesh, elephants are way cool. Lions are lazy though :p They sleep a *lot*.


    Thanks! :D

  21. Awww protective bro<3

  22. *raises eyebrow* I'm not entirely sure what noodles you have been eating...

  23. Actually, noodles don't buzz >.>


    Haha, yeah. At least this means you haven't jumped on the "Bully Bee" bandwagon :p

  24. Hey there, thanks! :) I've seen you around the forums actually;) But anyway, o hai, mai username is Bee Hoon.

  25. Should I go the walkthrough way or not:P For Torment, I mean. It is awesome so far and I am hooked!

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