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Bee Hoon

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Everything posted by Bee Hoon

  1. I have utmost faith in you :p

  2. Sabre dear, are you coming on later? I need you to beta the lightsaber fight and not strangle me out of frustration.

  3. Thanks!:) You're always nice anyway, so no worries;)

  4. Hey, should have mentioned this earlier, but you should leave a link to the working thread of your fic in the finished version. I've already done it, but just a reminder anyway;)

  5. Ze first post also says that it is TENTATIVE YOU HEAR ME TENTATIVE.


    And now it is confirmed.


    Thank you very much and have a nice day. Moo cows shall moo forever.

  6. Yeah, sounds like it. Might want to finish conceptualizing her so that she doesn't come across as inconsistent in later chapters. Hee, I completely approve of no instant romance! :D It blows my mind whenever characters fall in love by day 2 and want to spend eternity together.

  7. I believe that ebay sells trolls by the dozen ;)


    No problem, and I do enjoy little touches of humour like that! Well, I either write cutesy or excessively emo romances, so I'm afraid I can't help you there. It is difficult, so all the best! They are off to a good start though; I find Thia rather intriguing!

  8. You had me deceived :o


    Bad Astor_Kaine. Puppies and kittens are cute. Go eat trolls instead :p

  9. Awww, so nice! Too nice to get a random infraction;p


    I've reviewed Down Time :D

  10. Why, for fun!


    *gives Astor_Kaine an infraction*


    Just kidding :D

  11. Thanks! :D I am sad that I can't give myself an infraction D:

  12. Yes, there are double-bleded lightsabers. Visas comes with one, iirc. Your lack of knowledge about TSL makes me a sad bunny :( It is the best game evar.

  13. We have nothing to do with the Order of the Phoenix. Nothing at all. *whistles*

  14. Yeah, I noticed :D

  15. Yeah :p And I can tolerate only a finite amount of He-who-shall-not-be-named and his wild opinions >.<

  16. I've already reached that point :lol:

  17. I admire your tenacity in the healthcare thread :lol:

  18. Mooshy! <3 Quick Niner, go and post in the Nausea thread. Juno suddenly seems to be a popular names for spunky heroines :p The Juno in Metamorphoses is srsly p*ssed off all the time, and rather vindictive:/ Wouldn't want to name your daughter after her!


    I want to psycho the bf into buying it for PS3, but feel guilty:p

  19. The bikini is perfect camo! Aww, Dorothy is adorable <3 I wanted an Angelina Jolie trout pout but alas, my commando turned out shy and didn't want anyone to see it :(

  20. Wai you left Skype! :( If it is dinner, then return with due haste, brother! We must needs to summon the Muses.

  21. Or the green bikini spray-painted on his armour :lol: My commando was pink, not surprisingly :D

  22. Niner, I tried the Force Unleashed on PSP and it was very violent! The way Vader "knights" his apprentice in the trailer is pretty scary though--very easy to decapitate someone like that >.<

  23. It does look kinda like beer :p I'd post the beer emoticon...but I don't know the code for it :p Your custom commando is awesomesauce btw :D

  24. Your modesty is most becoming :lol:

  25. Inyrikins is so subversive :xp:

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