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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Hey Chev. Spring cleaning on my end. Anyway Sith Holocron was asking me is why I bring it up.




    He wanted to know if I had it and I do remember it, just that...well, obviously I'm cleaning my winter accumulated mess. :lol: If you find it before me, leme know...in fact, you can give the info or whatever to him. Just make sure you let him know this was spurned from his request to me. ;)


    J7 just showed me where I can find a freebie of photoshop so I'll soon be able to make my own skin mods. ;) --Now just for a little free time and effort. With the modeling combined...I'm thinking of making anime babes mods sometime. From all different shows. Naruto, Bleach, Eureka Seven, Ghost I.T.S., One Piece, and a few others.


    Say why don't ya start a LF Anime Club???

  2. Opp......didn't specify why in response:



    I think it's time you showed him your <ahem> welcome mat. :dev8:

  3. :rofl:


    Whoa! I was so irked I didn't think I could laugh--you turned that right around.

  4. You're welcome.


    DO Forward the thanks to SD Nihil--he told me about it first.

  5. Yeah, I lol'd at the irony of this whole "Weiner's wiener" biz.

  6. Or even cause a fleet to crash out of the sky with butt wind alone!

  7. FDA eh? Would that happen to be in the NCDRH chapter/division for control and regulation of radiation? :lol:

    BTW Fire in the sky


    Tortuous, yet still you can eek it out. o_Q

    I tried community college and though I'm contemplating going back...ehh, still having issues and breaking old habits that have seen me unsuccessful. That and the unnecessary politics injected by some teachers--both national AND personal.


    What's your area of expertise?

  8. Not much. Just fawning over my next machine I am building.

  9. Ah, but my kick did less apparent internal damage rather than impact due to my great age. Your effort to laugh succeds but as it ends you Sh*T your insides out into your pants.


    Have not let go of your hand, twists it like a cherry tree branch while you are in shock from emptying out your insides... Weightlifter's blowout with a hiptoss anyone? :lol:

  10. Why...My former LF identity was GTA:SWcity. Yes I'll agree. IV was indeed worthwhile. I never unlocked all the stuff but I beat the storyline and got about 70% completion.

  11. Boogey woogey woo sneaks up behind naruto. <tap-tap-tap>

  12. *Summons Hack Benjamin from Big M$ney Hustlas to blow you to hell*

  13. I change it ~ the 11th of every month. I have a few actually I plan to use eventually in my Avatar albums, plus I'm adding stuff all the time to my albums.


    BTW, you posted in your own VM section--FAIL! :xp:

  14. Stir it up in ahto with my new thread. :xp:

  15. Yes indeed. I believe we discussed this in part once.





    Hardly surprising.

  17. Wow. You actually come across as being a bit older than you actually are (especially knowing how "nice friend" doesn't "get" the girl :naughty:). I thought you were in your early to mid twenties.


    Thanks for the encouragement. Yeah, I'm sort of a laughing stock of the family and moreover my little sis is almost a HS grad herself.


    One thing that has worked out: honesty and where you draw the line.

    Admittedly how you project yourself in the eyes of other potentially important people could make all the difference in the world--where there's no middle ground it's advantage OR disadvantage. Sometimes, though this comes at a great cost. Above all this at least be true to yourself and get off the ride before you lose your soul, though.


    Me too, g'nite.

  18. Is that an official image?

  19. Are you on SWTOR? I'm kinda mooching off roommate friend for som play but I am on bergeren server.

  20. You ever seen or played the "frustration" version of super mario 1??? :D

    *Hillarious* preview of what you get here

    if you want to download and play here:



    I have a hard time at spot 3:35 in vid. I got too frustrated after spot about 4:36 on video and haven't tried since.


    Its actually only 4 levels long, BUT, once you beat it you can play (as I saw in other videos) other even more frustrating levels. Just toggle the levels using whatever you have for "B" button at the title after beating it just like the original... If that doesn't put a hemmoridge in your blood vessels...you're rock solid.


    Another fun looking one Air Mario

    Though not as suicidal nor mind bogglingly complex as


    What do you think? :)

  21. Agua! You will give me agua! Bungholio!

  22. *Hack uses smart RPG and blows you to hell*

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