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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Tip on smileys in the swamp: don't use in excess and actually try to be as plain as possible. It avoids nipping in my exp.


    Lookabout and dash:





    Aw dammit!





    I think simpler smiles are tolerable to he swampies in moderation.

  2. Try it again now. Yeah, that independence day thread really irked me. ALL the Stupid ****ers in Kavar's really need to STFU. I just noticed it yesterday.


    They don't speak for either you or me, and none of them have any native american ancestry that we know of.

  3. Try me, small fry.


    "I dare ya, I DOUBLE dare ya motha-****a"

  4. Turned black? You turned into an 8 bit video game character after Fry told you not to.


    I'm sure the squidbillies had a good laugh, too. :dev11:

  5. Two. Mini doberman that is mistaken for chihuahua. She's sweet, but I like to try to play with her. She doesn't play well, she just gets kind of vicious. But it's really funny to get pictures of.


    MY wolf...update, she does have a urinal incontinence problem, has had it for a while. (She is 10 and that's old for a big dog)...she leaked out on the floor and was able to get up and move from the spot. So at least she isn't wallowing in her own siff.



    I have one rat. Had 2 more a few weeks ago. One died of distemper, the other of intestinal stoppage. The last one is my little girl.


    My family has 3 cokatiels, who we go back and forth on.


    And some fish which frankly I'm not sure anyone cares about...some are alive--they are miniature neons... I should do something about them...

  6. U posted in your own profile again. :lol:


    Unfortunately in order to have 3 professions you need 1 craft. :(

    However, it's painfully obvious to me, the professions were cobbled together in 5 minutes. Not balanced enough so a reasonably intelligent person with common sense could benefit or profit.


    Having broken my bank AGAIN in the game, keeping up on it (so that it benefits you at your level) either requires an inordinate amount of time to not go broke (saving money and gathering materials), or going broke doing it. I even avoid making the items that won't help me specifically. Also if you run out of materials either you have to hunt down where you last found them if you weren't paying attention or you're S.O.L. if you're broke.


    I'm starting to think you're onto something if you can simply just make so much money in game that buying what you need at level is minor. I'm too far in, now, to start over though.

  7. Ugh. Well, now I have heard it all.


    Admittedly, now that I dreg up memories...I remember a certain female schoolmate. Seemed bright. Chip on her shoulder. I heard a rumor (which I didn't believe) in 8th grade she went out and bonked and she was only 13. I only saw her once after that rumor started... :(


    I feel sorry for what you have had to see in your life. True enough though, you just get numb and used to it after awhile.

  8. Uh. OK. MY bad. It's late--which reminds me I gotta get up at 6:30 in the morning--and it is 1:06 now.






  9. Uhh, hey yo.


    I'm wondering, is the whole Revan vs. prefix to *every thread* in KC an april fools joke or something? :confused:


    BTW...I am not sure but I believe I recognize your avatar...Whare is it from? :)

  10. Uhh, hey. Just wondering, what is your gripe about NPR, exactly? I find generally it has some good stuff, though as someone who values life I do find it a tad disturbing how readily and quickly they talk about stem cell research.


    --Are you more left or right politically?


  11. Uhh, hi shem.

    Kind of akward coming to you like this never having talked before. Don't know how exactly to say this:

    I see you have the General Greivous skin mod for K2 from sciamanos...from the youtube video clips...so apparently I'm not the only one with some of sciamanos' lost mods that I cannot find anywhere else... which I salvaged apparently just before PCGM died...

    I think I looked about everywhere by now. Pretty sure I can't find them.


    I am about to contact him on this. However, I figured *you* might also like to know that *more* of his work survived through me...I mean in case nobody else has them. I suppose this can be disregarded if you have (or someone else has) the mods and I overlooked someplace it is available...but I doubt it.


    If I'm right:

    Might it help you to revive the discussion of distribution permission if he realizes more of his work has been saved?

    I *won't* redistribute his work without his permission either, but if he does give me the thumbs up to re-distribute, I would like to give you copies to test out FIRST, and of course distribute over filefront so the mods can reach fans most expediantly. In the mean time I'll see about opening a thread for lucasforums.

  12. Uhh, yeah, I know the Jennifer hale Bastilla is supposedly based upon. I seen it, the pics and I have to call foul. Upper lip botox. I have seen similar pics of the same person with a 'deflated' upper lip.


    (I can be such a jackass, no?)


    Ok, I see the natural beauty part. I guess I am not picky about body type. I seem to get the attractions of the slightly fuller muscular types... without the ripped buff definition (Well, I do wish they would at least bother with the midsection--I don't mind it ripped and cut, however if they have a nice butt, I'm good with that).


    Know yer weapons eh? I'm into all kinds of that. You also a swordsman?

  13. Uhhm. Okay.


    (turns to stewart and friends): Trick or treat, sonofabitch!

  14. Uhuhuhuhuh-huhuh.


    Heheheheheh-heh. Boioioioioioing.


    You feel a bit...sad now. That's what is missing from your life..........


    Until you can find your own double deluxe sims 2 on sale right now for $20, go to "mod the sims 2" (Google it), and find yourself some awesome mods and give Naruto a happy ending...

  15. Unfortunately, I had to run for a while. My wolf dog was out eating garbage and apparently this time it's really doing a number on her--she was almost dead until I carried her in. Worried about her.


    Damn wolf side of her, it helps her survive, yet here it has almost killed her. :(

  16. waaaat?! You don't support the establishment's efforts to sign over USA's sovereignty to the U.N. and to George Soros' world court of public opinion?! You RACIST!


    You're the worst person in the world!!!

  17. Wait, I think I got ignored. :lol:


    Such curious silence in the wake of such outspoken disagreement.

  18. Wal Mart SUKKKKZ! Besides, you can't get 'em anymore except on ebay.


    Why'd you hafta crash Carl's car? Now I gotta hear him bitch...

  19. Was I imagining things or were *you* going to buy...err receive as a christmas gift, a Samus Aran resin figure? Where would I get one? That looked awesome.


    BTW I've bought and beaten Zero Mission since we last spoke. Best $10 at gamestop I ever spent.

  20. Well if I wasn't in such a predicament myself, I might even motivate myself to get fully trained and come out there for ya. :D


    I considered electrical engineering, but I'm not sure anymore that I'm cut out for it.

  21. Well if it's about a certain someone giving you what appeared to be no end of trouble, yes.


    Another one of similar contextual taste which we also spoke of I think is on a temporary ousting/hiatus. :D


    Thanks. Actually, a funny thing, that certain someone actually sort of mused at my name when I first joined. People started jokingly wondering about a game of GTA: StarWars city...I just figured since it's my play on 'vice city'--why not put a mugshot of its star.


    ..oh lordy--my furball is loose! Gotta catch her!!!

  22. Well it looks like you don't take private messages. So I'll just leave this here:

    SPOILER ALERT! (You have been warned TWICE now)



  23. Well ya certainly changed it once I said something to the effect that your XBL matched your av and I wondered if I were looking at you. :dev9:


    Anyway, yeah there is some easteregg in GTA4 closely resembling 50 cent. Haven't heard too much of his stuff but I think he's ok.

  24. Well, actually I'm cleaning up my place--but I thought I'd make a funny for ya.


    General Beavis--anyone? :lol:




    Say, speaking of age, just how old are you? I'm (actually) 666.

  25. Well, be thankful you weren't waiting on either a plasma globe or a gas laser. --That's where the OOOOOPPPPPPPSSSSSS pronunciation got its popularity. But um, yeah.


    Apparently my other pal was waiting for the same thing as you.

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