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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Whose yer...mama... :laughing:


    C'mon, say something.....obnoxious..............


    Like lloyd christmas on dumb and dumber...

  2. Why don't you come and play with us up tha the forum games?




    We're so lonely. :dev8:

  3. Why not join us in the forum games?


    Doo eet! Doo eet nao or I'll send da tickel monsta after Hinata!

  4. Why thank you fellow journeyer of life!


    I'll come back in awhile. See how much love or hate I have on it. :xp:

  5. Why yes. Most certainly is. Been a long time since I saw it but I halfway debated using an animated av of the scene of Buck punching the drunken clown in the face.


    I'm trying to stick with a theme but I'm not even sure how I perceive myself let alone how I'd want others to think of me. Just a random whatever choice and I keep avs 1-2 months.

  6. Why, thank you! I didn't think anyone around here came around much, much less gave a flip about birthdays anymore.


    How've you been, Alk?

  7. With respect to hiding spoilers, you might change post #6. ;)



  8. Wouldn't surprise me that they planted a saboteur, and used it to make this report that throws the hate/race-card again.


    Ah, the first "relevant" link after the end of the story is to just that--the race card.


    Frank is using every angle of the filth cloth to rub the camera lens and in turn the rile censorist types to come out to his aid. The only 'rancor' I see is his fat slobbering money grubbing form waddling about.


    This was all about smearing tea-party protesters in an attempt to either discredit them or to get their leader to back off some. Funny how the media is butthurt and specific about it when a "plant" is in a democratic party gathering and sabotaging their image. Right down to the individuals.


    McClatchy eh? I'll keep an eye on this one.

  9. WOW. Fascinating... I guess I know what I will watch on http://www.anivide.com :D

    --I usually go there to see stuff for free before I buy. We could all use something like that in these times.


    If it is absolutely as captivating as you made it sound, I think I will buy it. Thanks!

  10. Wow. You actually come across as being a bit older than you actually are (especially knowing how "nice friend" doesn't "get" the girl :naughty:). I thought you were in your early to mid twenties.


    Thanks for the encouragement. Yeah, I'm sort of a laughing stock of the family and moreover my little sis is almost a HS grad herself.


    One thing that has worked out: honesty and where you draw the line.

    Admittedly how you project yourself in the eyes of other potentially important people could make all the difference in the world--where there's no middle ground it's advantage OR disadvantage. Sometimes, though this comes at a great cost. Above all this at least be true to yourself and get off the ride before you lose your soul, though.


    Me too, g'nite.

  11. Y'know, I might just leave it a while. Sure I'm a little uneasy when it comes to keeping an av but TBH, this is one I could truly be proud of--to highlight the occasion of 9/11 anniversary.


    I wish some F*cker hadn't stolen my comic of the far side: Bin laden lighting up a US flag out in the desert and Cap right behind tapping him on the shoulder.

  12. Y'know, you are quite the sport. I am actually enjoying debating you.

    (EDIT: and I usually do not enjoy debating, usually on account for a lack of these things!)


    Others seem to troll and act all blow-hard-ish. Glad to see someone is civilized around here.

    Are all russians generally as considerate as you? :xp:

  13. Ya gotta stir it up a bit!


    Want more? Want to deal more of it? Check out the forum games in the general forums area.

  14. Yea. You might actually be better off buying HL2 or orange box for PC, buying GMOD, and going that way--though it will still require modelling and animations and all that to be done for truly custom stuff. Course it does a lot of stuff that...well, I'm not so sure we should talk about out in the open. :dev9:


    Anyhow, yeah, I think there is a mod that has a female form to Revan's Robes. Look around.

  15. Yeah I heard of them and a few songs. My community colege gym actually played some songs by them all the time. A handful.



    I see you are makng quite the showing of yourself around here. You have both KOTOR games?

  16. Yeah I know how that is.


    TBH, I have SW comics I come by dirt cheap and then the regular ones for right now.


    I'm planning to be out on my own...again. So I have to leave a lot behind at my parents' house. I try selling some of it but nobody wants any and weather is turning nasty.


    Are you a lightsaber prop aficionado? I saw your post in the lightsaber thread. Personally I'm a Juyo/Vaapad type, but I'd tend to stick with Soresu and Makashi in most situations.

  17. Yeah I want to play TOR. On the fence about if I want to buy a mobo for my eMachines 5274 case for a new machine or if I want to make a completely custom beast.


    Got me some work as a automotive tech assistant on saturdays. So my plans for saving up $$$ is accelerated.


    ATM am trying to make my home workshop...a workshop again. So I can get back into physical hacks and stuff.


    Last but not least, it's sort of rocky but there might be a chance to get a steal of a deal on a house. It'd be my first house. Fixer-upper to be sure but I know enough from construction and home improvement that I can probably fix most of it myself.

  18. Yeah repairfaq has helped me many a time out of some dicey tech situations.


    Even assisted me in building a laser or two. :p

  19. Yeah, and busy enough to keep a bazillion projects--you might notice my new album over on the side where I am showing my newly created lightsaber prop IRL. Other than story writing for my fanfic (I'm not in much a mood for the dread around Christmas time, and Darth Sion: Wrought of Torment is not something I plan to have a happy tone or ending to, either.) I guess that and offering up a plot help for Sith Holocron's latest since I'm just toying with modding right now.


    Yeah I hear that. Little time. Plan to at least try school again.

  20. Yeah, but it's so dead. I could try getting it moving with a description of a spy droid.


    However, I'm positive it'll be crushed and I'll basically be fighting against everyone. That is assuming we get more.

  21. Yeah, except I'm still gunshy about Jae...I'm testing the waters, but not too roughly. :dev11:


    I'm keeping this av until I can at least get my start on that damned fanfic. It's hard to reach the dark recesses of your mind when life is good...even moderately. I'm working on it really slow.


    Well, basically I have extra motivation... My next Av and Title:




    And I *do* mean Douchebag with a capital "D"

  22. Yeah, I guess it's just that way.


    BTW, did you get my email with the link to the leaked TSLRP beta 8? Have it yet???


    I'm thinking I might just get myself something too since my shopping is pretty much done. LOL

  23. Yeah, I've never had the opportunity to sh*t out my own tail bone. :laughing:


    Well, at least Kittie and I still get freaky--unlike he who drove his previous to lesbianism.


  24. Yeah, murderizing that lawyer in his fancy shmancy bug tower office. My personal fav is using a Hi-pow shotgun and turning him upside down in his seat. I didn't bother with all the escalator crap--too much heat that way, Instead I just shot out the back window, took the 2 story fall and landed next to my car where I strategically parked it and took off while all the idiots were on the other side of the building and the radius was near the edge at my point by now...I got away without incident. :dev9:


    I don't have LIVE! or else I'd go and get a few things to expand on my GTA4. Also I'd probably love going up against that crazy mother****er in multiplayer mode NOBUNAGA (youtube GTA4 nobunaga).

  25. Yeah, well at least I wan't as bad as you--I think you "reversed" one of her "circuits". :lol:


    I never had THAT problem. Or blood in the prostate. :p

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