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Everything posted by SkywalkerRules

  1. BTW, almost forgot: Lyna was hidden in a secret closet by her mother when she was a baby. But then later, Coral Mai, a Jedi, found her.


    That's how she survived. Plus, she doesn't know that her grandfather is still alive. Just wanted to let ya know. :)

  2. Aww, it's okay, CQ. We all been busy too. Trust me... :)


    And yeah, I'm doing good, thank you. It's good to talk to ya again. :^:

  3. That's great, DB! :D


    I believe that Lyna and her friends are docking now on Socorro. We might be headed to a cantina too. :)

  4. Thanks, Shana! Will do. :^:

  5. Aww, where you at, CQ? We miss you! :(

  6. Hey, Shana? I'm lost in your RP... :(

  7. Hey, Darth Betrayal! :^:


    Just wanna say that you're doing a great job in Star Wars: Legacy of Hope RP.


    Can't wait for the situation b/w granddaughter and grandfather. :D

  8. Oh, yeah. You're right. :lol:


    Don't worry. I'll see where everyone's at. And I'll make it dark again soon. :^:

  9. Hey, Kyvios? How are ya? :)


    Still posting in Heavy Midnight?

  10. Oh, okay. Sounds cool. I'll be on the look out then. Thanks. :)

  11. Hey, um... when do you want Asuka kidnapped? Just wonderin'...

  12. Ah. Thank you, j7. I'm glad you told me this. You're really friendly too. Thank you. :^:

  13. Thank you so much, j7! I thought it sounded fine to me too.


    But, if I may ask... Hallucination said when you first look at it, it looks like "Heavy Midget". What do you think?

  14. Oh man. :(


    The thread link is this: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=200488


    Hallucination said that the title sounded disturbing and stuff. That's why I wanted to change it. I don't want the thread closed or anything, just want to change the title.

  15. Excuse me, jonathan7. I was wondering... do you know how I can change my title on the Knights of the Old Republic Roleplaying?

  16. Aww, nothing much. Just surfin' the web. :)

  17. Oh, I see. Take your time. :)

  18. Still playing in Heavy Midnight?

  19. Hey, Chev! :D


    Nothing much. Just that school has really gotten me bit down on the bum. :lol:

  20. Hmm... sounds really interesting. M'kay! :D

  21. Really? Sounds... interesting. :)

  22. Still in the Pheyzosia RPG?

  23. Awesome. Thanks for the help, PK. :^:

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