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Status Updates posted by SkywalkerRules

  1. AWWWW!! I'm so sorry, MA! :hugs:


    How ya been, old buddy? ;)

  2. Been doing all right. Trying to finish college too. *sigh* But, I'm still hanging on. ^^


    It's good to see you all again.

  3. Been great and busy! Posting in the RPs right now. :D


    How you been? Missed you guys! :hugs:

  4. BTW, almost forgot: Lyna was hidden in a secret closet by her mother when she was a baby. But then later, Coral Mai, a Jedi, found her.


    That's how she survived. Plus, she doesn't know that her grandfather is still alive. Just wanted to let ya know. :)

  5. Chev, can you and the others forgive me? A lot has been going on with me and my family and I've also been busy as well. I should have responded to Karela's response, but I haven't been on in a while. I'm very sorry! :(


    Maybe I should just kill off Asuka. I'm pretty sure you guys don't need a crazy girl like me anymore. Plus, I don't wanna ruin PK's RP... :'(

  6. Cool! :)


    AH SHOOT!! Forgot to send you my VO's! Can I get them to you... say like on Thursday? Getting ready for College is driving me nuts!

  7. Cool! :D


    Oh! I also thought of another idea. Maybe Sethos could tell Lyna who he really is. Maybe like, 'I am your grandfather', or something like that when Lyna is hurt. Except Lyna won't have her hand or anything cut off.


    What'cha think? ^^

  8. Cool! Can't wait to start it! It's gonna be a blast! :)


    Oh, no! We're still doin' it. My computer's been acting up lately, and I don't know if it's a virus or not. But I'm gonna get on it right now. ;)

  9. Cool! I'll check it out. :)


    Hey, do you think Takeda could help Asuka in anyway? I was thinking of having her do something horrible, but I was wondering about Takeda doing anything.

  10. Doing good! And sure, I'll give you the scoop. ;)


    Right now, the clone of Lyna and Isaac (Kyvios) are done sparring and are about to head to her ship to find Cade first. Meanwhile, Reaper aka Cade Skywalker (Phantom K.) is talking to Rav about a bounty in his apartment via hologram. As for Xan (Cyborg N.) and Tandra (Tysyacha), they're hunting Lyna down for Darth Sethos (hopefully Master_Archon), Lyna's grandfather and soon to be Emperor.


    This help? :)

  11. Doing great! :^:


    M'kay. I'll check it over. :)

  12. Don't worry. I like it. And don't worry of PK. I'm pretty sure you can handle him. :)


    Plus, I was thinking: would it be okay that when she finds the female biker and the gang alone, she be tortured? But not severely?

  13. Familiar with Ghost Whisperer's TV show. Not familiar with Creed 1 and 2. :)


    Why ya ask?

  14. First to post, yay! :D


    Hey, gal! How ya been? What's the buzz? Woah, it's raining cats and dogs! Sorry, I can be random at times. :lol:

  15. Five minute breaks, are you serious?! 0_0


    Don't you ever get any sleep?

  16. For A: I'm not sure. Never did a Psychological Warfare RP before.


    For B: Something like that might work, I guess.


    But no, you're smart too. There are times where I don't think sometimes. But hey. Nobody's perfect. :)


    And sure, you can give me more details if you like.

  17. For your first request: That's the most brillant idea I've ever heard! Let's do it! :D


    And for the second: Yep. Kyvios and I got it all planned out. It's really a shocking surprise for everyone. ^^

  18. Girl, I don't blame you! I've never seen Naruto neither. Not much of my favorite...


    But the RP is going well. I might leave as well, due to me going to College and all.

  19. God, Ninja, I simply love your ideas! :D


    I'll take the second choice. :)

  20. Going good so far. Keep up the good work. ;)


    Oh! Are you gonna post in Legacy too?

  21. Good idea, Chevron.


    BTW, I was thinking that your character Toran could be a friend and kinda like a mentor of Joanna. If that was okay with you though. :)

  22. Great job on the RP so far, Chevron! Love how you did the Force ghost Jedi girls. :D


    Oh, by the way, is it okay if the Jedi Exile was Lyna's ancestor? But that's just me...



    I know, this is kinda late. Sorry... :)

  24. Happy Be-lated Birthday!


    Yeah, I know. I'm late. Hope you had a great B-Day though! :^:

  25. Happy Belated Christmas! Or late... er... which ever ya wanna choose. :D


    And a Happy New Year!


    BTW, I thought up something funny earlier... what if Sonya, Moxie's friend, liked Baldur? I mean, I know he's older and all, but "she likes red, he likes red"... just wondered what you thought on it. 'Cause I was gonna have a funny conversation b/w the two best friends through phone.

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