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Marius Fett

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Status Updates posted by Marius Fett

  1. FotW isn't my lookout. ;)

  2. Haha, i've got this week off. :p

  3. Haha, yon afore spoken be pestering me for yon favours of sexual natures... You should set it on Uncle T.

  4. hai friend of Burnseyyyyyy! :D

  5. Happy Birthday. :p

  6. Happy New Year Jon. :)

  7. Happy New Year Kate. :)

  8. Happy New Year SS!

  9. Have you considered writing music?

  10. Heh, i'll eat anything that has sugar in it.. :p

  11. Heh, just watch out for RedHawke and you'll be fine. :p

  12. Heh, some images it looks right on, some it doesn't.

  13. Heya, just to let you know I haven't forgotten; the Escape Pod placeable is on its way. Had something come up which stopped me working on it.

  14. How do you mean?

  15. How're you coping here in a forum that actually GETS moderated? :p

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