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Chevron 7 locke

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Everything posted by Chevron 7 locke

  1. Hey Endo. Do you read El Goonish Shive? We're looking for people to join the El Goonish Shive social group

  2. Hey Doctor, I'm thinking of starting up a new RP about the last great Time war from Doctor Who. Would you happen to be interested?

  3. CQ, would you be interested in joining the El Goonish Shive social group? We're always looking for fans, or people who may want to learn a bit more about it

  4. Yes!!!! Finally!

    *Hugs Alkonium repeatedly*

  5. Ozzy took control and seperated himself from me, now I'm just waiting for signs of life in the group. So fdar, only CQ Alkonium, You and I have been posting

  6. Its 3:30. do you know what happend in Drunken Time Travelers? I know...Ozzy destroyed reality!! :D

  7. Well...Maybe one of us can keep him busy and the other can rush to the Jedi Temple to get help...Team up works nicely to


    *Absently chews on one of CQ's boots while talking*


    Woops! Sorry, force of habit.


    *Hands CQ the boots back*

  8. *Makes a sad puppy face*

    CQ...can I pwease eat your armor? It would make me sooooooo happy!"


    Anywayz How you do propose we deal with the new Nihilus? I say we team up and kill him, then go back to trying to kill each other :D

  9. *Chev falls back down*


    So...What are you doing? Anything fun?

  10. I just couldn't think up a good story this month. Ah well, Next month may have a topic I can write about

  11. From what I understand, the feeding character is like Darth Nihilus, He seems to have that ability, but on a smaller level. All he has to do is engage his force powers and your character is lunch


    Plus, It would be nice to see your character on the retreat for once...

  12. Your character has a choice, He can either continue to attack me, or he can run like hell from something that intends to feed on him

  13. <_<




    *Poke Poke*


    Feeling any better today?


    What time do you want to set up for RPs?

  14. We never talk about anything Rev...and I feel sadder for not talking.


    What's new?

  15. What's new? Did you find anyone else over 9000?

  16. Perhaps you sneak up behind me and manage to pull me back down into the pit after I warn them about you?


    *Pounces on CQ*

    I've missed that so much

  17. Hey CQ...we kind of have a bit of a conflict in battle of the Dark Jedi. I'm talking to someone, but you apparently captured me and are now about to posion me...


    *Taps foot in expectation*

  18. *Hears LadyRevan come through the profile door*


    She's back!


    *Chev runs through the door and pounces on her*

    It's a Chev thing.


    *Chev gets up and helps LadyRevan to her feet*


    Feeling any better?

  19. I knew he wouldn't fall for that, I call for strategic retreat.

  20. So...shall we simply avoid CQ's character or Try and fight him off?

  21. <_<



    *Poke Poke*


    Oh hai there! What's up?

  22. Why do you hate to agree with me? I thought I was a nice guy

  23. I like your Lightsabers. They look very cool and have cool names

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