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Status Updates posted by redrob41

  1. sure, send em to me. No rush, 'cause I might not get to checking 'em out until the weekend.


    I haven't even had time to finish the icons of the Padawan models, but I should get that done tonight before (or during) my slow Photoshop class. MAN I can't wait until we start learning Illustrator.

  2. ooohhh... does it have the proper "rest" animations?

  3. yeah, there's a LOT to talk about there :D but I'll get to it soon.


    I've been trying to put together some Photoshop "actions" for the robes. Basically, they are a set routine of commands that can be applied to an image (or a batch of images in a directory). Once I've got that set up, I'll send them all to you.


    I'm also trying to update the padawan models, and set up PS actions for those too.

  4. yeah, I'll give it a try Friday night. My night classes from Mon-Thurs keep me up late enough as it is, I just haven't had extra time to test the mod at home. I have still been skinning a bit at work and at school (in between 5pm and 7:30pm when class starts).

  5. I didn't have a chance to test it last night.

  6. you've got e-mail. I'm still going to re-do the vanilla padawan robe textures (1-10), and the models. Once that's done, I'll re-do all the portraits so they're consistent.

  7. I'll send you everything I've got so far.

  8. I've made most of the robe utis, but I haven't filled out all the descriptions or names yet.

  9. sounds great with the test. Can't wait to try it out.


    I haven't looked into placeables much. I didn't even know that there was a placeables 2da file. For the RoR placeables I sent you, I hex edited them so that they were unique, but I don't actually know if that was necessary.

  10. yeah, there's a lot of info that can be rearranged by using the TSLPatcher. It's quite a marvelous little program that Stoffe created. I got to understand it over time by making little mods, like my species specific feats mod. It's a lot harder to jump in all at once on a big mod like RoR.

  11. This allows the .uti file to access a specific line in the dialog.TLK file (in this case two lines, one for the name of the species, and one for the descripton).

  12. Then, in the patcher, you assign StrRef numbers (String Reference) to the lines inside the append.tlk file. To keep it simple, StrRef0 = line 0 of the append; StrRef15 = line 15 of the append; etc. These StrRef values are kind of like the 2DAMemory tokens, in that they can be used to attatch them to other files. In this case, I've assigned values to the GFF Files like PC_HIDE_RR41_ARK.uti (the hidden item to be placed on Arkanian playable characters).

  13. What I've added in the RoR set up is the descriptions of the alien species feats. How the patcher works, is that you create one file called append.tlk to the tslpatchdata directory. You edit this .tlk file with the program TalkEd. In there, you add all the different pieces of text you need (too many to go into detail).

  14. The TLK entries are to edit the dialog.TLK file in the main SWKotOR2 directory. This file contains many lines of text used through out the game, and often has audio files attached to them.

  15. so, I always start with an existing 2da line that has most of the same column entries that I want in the new line I'm creating.

  16. If I'd copied a different line (like 500), then I'd have to change every column to match the proper drexl walk stride length, height, blood colour, etc.

  17. By copying the in-game drexl (RowIndex 516), I only had to change the label and racetex. Everything else stayed the same.

  18. another example is that I wanted to copy the drexl larva. If you open the ChangeEdit program, click on 2DA Files -> appearance.2da, on the right side scroll down to CopyRow399, double click on COPY_DREXL_02

  19. by picking an existing line of the 2da, you don't have to change as many of the columns in it for the new row. If you copy line #500, you'll have to change everything from race to normalhead to modela to texn (and that's a lot of work, since they are all ****). Instead, by choosing to copy line #4 (in this example) you don't have to change as many columns.

  20. when the next next box pops up

    Set existing line to copy

    [RowIndex] [4 ] [set]

    because Bastila's line in the appearance.2da is #4. for the

    Label of Exclusive column

    I usually set the pull down to the label variable.

  21. If you want to, for example, make an older version of Bastila (I've got plans for that later), then you would click [Copy line in 2da]. When the new box pops up, give it a name like Copy_line_older_Bastila (no spaces, only underlines).

  22. Quote-"Should i keep the number high, does these matter?"

    Which number? The 2damemory number should be unique, so don't repeat ones that are already on the list I sent you. Try to keep track of which ones you do use, and let me know so that I don't repeat any of those either.

    If you mean the Line to modify or Line to copy? that would depend on what you're trying to do.

  23. pages 9-13 of the TSLPatcher read-me file explains it in detail, but there are no pictures

  24. Normally, I copy lines in a 2da, rather than just modify existing ones.

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