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Status Updates posted by redrob41

  1. something like this?


    Set line to modify

    [RowIndex [ \/ ] [92 ] [set]


    that would mean that the line you want to change is RowIndex #92, which is the P_FEM_A_MED_01. All of the changes will happen to this line, if you input them in the Change column value area. For this example, I changed all the texture columns for texi & texk, so that both male & female will use the same .tga file (PMBI & PMBK).

  2. hold on, I'll go to my own computer (I'm upstairs watching TV)

  3. with the utc, I also have the words PropertiesList\0\Subtype in the text file. Then I copy and paste it and the 2DAMEMORY number into the ChangeEdit boxes

  4. hey, have you had any problems with SU1138? I'm not sure if blaster bolts actually fire out of his gun turret during attack animations. Also, I think I sent you an older texture file by mistake.

  5. yeah, you have to type in 2DAMEMORY with the new number, as well as RowIndex. I usually have a text file open so that I can copy and paste from it, to the ChangeEdit box.

  6. You have e-mail. I sent a pdf of the 2DA list as well as the Excel. There are also a couple of other lists in that e-mail.


    The token would need to be the appearance RowIndex, so that the Label description shows up in the utc. Also, if you have multiple NPC.utc files that are to have the same appearance (like a nameless Corellian Soldier just walking around, and a guy you talk to who has a name or is a captain), you can edit each GFF file so that it uses the same 2DAMemory number for the PropertiesList\0\Subtype.

  7. I've got an Excel spread sheet with all the 2daMemory tokens listed, and where they are used. I'll have to e-mail that to you tomorrow. That way, you'll know which ones are free so there are no duplicates.


    Until I can make some screenshots or something, for now, look at the GFF Files in the ChangeEdit program. You should see some entries for the Mando armour .utc files (a_heavy_41.uti for example). It'll be too long to go through here, so I'll PM ya.

  8. Hey, I never made a screen shot of Kaila's new underwear skin. I gave her some tattoos in the shape of a flying drexl. It should be in the whole pack I sent you, so let me know what you think: Is it too much? Does it fit her personality?

  9. I sent an e-mail. Its the placeables with RoR logo.

  10. oops, gotta go. I've got Photoshop class tonight. It's a bit boring (basics) right now, so I'm bringing some modding textures with me ;). I gotta get in my mods where ever I can :D

  11. jonathan7 would be a good guy to ask.

  12. ¡Ay, caramba! How will we ever get it on KotorFiles for hosting?

  13. yeah, I saw that post but didn't have time yet to comment. I'll do it soon :D

  14. nope, just here on LucasForums. It's easy enough to post messages :)

  15. Yeah, that's the way it should work. Starting with my changes.ini as a base, you can keep building on it. The easiest way is to edit it with notepad, but it is also easier to make errors that way. If you use the ChangeEdit, it takes longer, but should make it less likely to have errors.

  16. If you're thinking of using it as a disguise item, it would work. Except, then you'd have to do something about the skin tones for A, B, C, and any various alien mods. Perhaps a full face mask (skin tight of course, with solid eye lenses)?


    Logan's working on getting RoR demo 1 ready. I'm just picking away at little mods right now. When I get some time I'll tackle the new master robes textures and model again.


    I'm taking a couple of night courses right now at a Technical college. 3D modelling & animation (taught on Maya), and a Photoshop/Illustrator course. The 3D is gonna be a lot of fun, but so far the PS is boring (I already know more than he's teaching). I'm just gonna have to bide my time until he gets to stuff I don't know (particularly Illustrator).

  17. the purple looks a bit garish (and over saturated) next to that particular green. The green itself is good, very adventurous / woodsy. The details on the pants are a great design, but they look a little flat and unfinished. If you can add some faux 3d highlights and shadows (bevels or embossing), they'll really POP!


    The problem with using it as a Jedi robe is that you wouldn't be able to swap heads.

  18. The uti numbers should all be in that pdf I e-mailed you. IIRC the FF robes were 50-78 (with some gaps), and the armours were 81-90, and the HoS were 41, 79 & 80.

  19. you're welcome :D shiny rocket ;)

  20. good stuff. You might want to take care calibrating it. I always have a bit of difference between my in-game brightness & colours, and my out-of-game modding files.


    At least you'll have plenty of screen space with 23" :D

  21. I followed all the standard advice for modding heads (there are plenty of tutorials). In short I:

    1 - extracted her head model using Kotor Tool

    2 - made an ascii file with mdlops (no animations)

    3 - imported into NWmax (no animations)

    4 - moved the ponytail mesh verticies around (I don't delete the skin modifier)

    5 - moved the ponytail bones verts around too

    6 - exported (it will have a sanity check or something, click ok or next or whatever)

    7 - use Taina's Replacer. Only check the boxes for what's been changed. In this case, only the ponytail's mesh and bone (whatever their names are, I can't remember right now).


    When all else fails, I re-read any instructions that came with the various programs.

  22. hey hey, congrats on the new badge :D. It is rare indeed.

  23. Hey, I'm back from my vacation. It was relaxing and fun at the same time :). We saw some whales, eagles, old lava beds, ancient rain forests, and the southern tip of Alaska. I took 1190 photos (thank goodness for digital cameras :lol:), so it would take a long time to tell you about the whole trip :xp:.


    So how have things been going for you?

  24. yep, thanks.


    I think that a female Tusken with a male's mask wouldn't fly right with most fans. If we were able to sort out the animations of the male jedi robe, I'd be willing to re-size the model to suit the female proportions. When I'm back from my trip, I'll try to dig out the headless test I made.

  25. wow, that would be a lot of work stitching that together.


    Speaking of hard work, I didn't do a female Tusken because it took me months (maybe 6?) to do the male. I took the basic model and re-shaped & re-uvw mapped it 7 times. Then I had to make all the textures for it. I didn't have the energy left to put all that kind of work into another ONE character.


    As for making a headless robe:



    not much else has come of it though.

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