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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Thanks for the dlg files. I will look over them this week.

  2. will be there in 30 mins.

    Whats up

  3. hey hows the tweaking going?

  4. hey was wondering when do you think you will get a chance to play the mod, just need to know if their are any issues like blocks/bugs that keep you from completing the sections i sent to you

  5. Hey whats new!

  6. That's no problem, want to go over thing concerning ACT 1 content and characters. Nothing urgent =)

  7. Same here, east coast


    I'm so going to make the worse UI and save it for fun lol

  8. Im at the gym, yes i did stop working out to send that post,lol.

    I will be back home in 30mins. to help.

  9. Right now i have probably around 8 lines. I might have more at the end of the production since I have some cut scenes I would like to add but are not built since they prob won't make the demo.

  10. That's sounds like a good idea,

    I'm very close to the pre-beta chunk being done, tomorrow i have a few things to tweak and then comes the tsl patcher....i'm hoping its user friendly =)

  11. Hey, i made some edits and also now have info on the hilt creation

  12. Posted the lightsaber creation system modcast/post


    Thanks for your help

  13. Feel better. I know my sinuses have been making me sleepy, not im on sinus medicine like they are my vitamins every morning,ugh


    I can't wait to see the finish written scene



  14. void main(){


    if(!GetLocalBoolean(OBJECT_SELF, 30) ){

    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){


    CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "hssiss", GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF), FALSE);





    SetLocalBoolean(OBJECT_SELF, 30, TRUE);






  15. Should i keep the number high, does these matter? I'm assuming i just leave them alone unless i'm adding a new line entry

  16. Whats up, Hows the art work going

  17. Hey hows everything?

  18. As long as it pays and you are not put in harms way, is a good job..till you get the one you want/dream job =)

  19. Hey happy holidays!

  20. Hey, hows production going with your Mod?

    I think that its amazing that you got your whole class working on this, pure awesome!!

  21. we can talk when im on hiss in a few

  22. thanks,

    I'm already making tweaks to it, but J7 mentioned he could not find the Drayen contact in the cantina. I need to cross ref this with another tester so i know if it is an issue just on his play through or this is happening to all players so i can fix.

  23. Thats cool with me. I dont plan to have all the VOs for the Demo. I will most likely release a patch between the Demos release and the release of Act 1 that will add more VOs to the game.




    oh did you get to try the latest version, i sent to you?

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