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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Hey,

    Actually redrob41 added the shine. I know it's a txt file,

  2. happy thanksgiving!

  3. The file is a .rar file


    Here is the link



    Are you sure you didn't download the Quick fix instead of the Demo?

  4. I can not tell you the meaning since it would kind of give away part of the main plot......sorry

  5. i will take another look when im home from work. I cant click hidden pics on my smart phone,....which seem to be not that smart when to clicking those hidden tabs,lol


    I have a few other npcs including the chancellor to be created. Female, and was thinking maybe Arkanian.,

  6. cool!

    Lookforward to it.

    I have the next task and i think you will enjoy it :-)

  7. Hey hows your polishing going on your mod?

  8. hey,

    I know how you can tweak stuff and easily implement without pulling your hair out. :) will pm you it today.

  9. I use a free file sharing/cloud site, Surgarsync

  10. The file is a .rar file


    Here is the link



    Are you sure you didn't download the Quick fix instead of the Demo?

  11. hi, im in hiss chat

  12. Do i place the number from the portriats or head .2da? On the way home to test it.

    thanks for all the help!


  13. Hey whats new

  14. Hey when you are free, would like to spend ten minutes talking about a version two with the hand of silence main quest, this is due to the announced Revan book which might lead to some changes. Thanks :)

  15. Your always welcome to create more lightsabers.


    Right now I don't plan to have anyone else make the sabers. We have a good starting number but I would rather have you work on future ones since you have done a great job and you understand the look and feel the mod is going for when it comes to them.

  16. hey im in hiss chat if you want

  17. Hey how can you edit existing lightmaps- if per say you want a room to be darker?

  18. Hey,

    How you been?

  19. You have email. Got the script and the Z_guard is balanced. Test out and see with higher level PC and party if it still holds true.

  20. I could simply replace all the ones with the witch one or the other so will only switch between those two

  21. What have you modded in the past? What area of modding have you done with which tools?

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