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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Yup, its about 30 minutes long...lol

  2. Hey, come over to the hiss chat, got some info

  3. Hey send a message to your Youtube, with video

  4. Hey


    I might have an issue with the male PC sees to be invisible or all white on the body. Everything else is running well. All the corellian soldiers turn into women in their underwear,lol..looks like an Austin powers move. I have to change there utc appearnces. Oh with the mirlukia/blind am i suppose to be able to see through force in first person? did yours?

  5. Someone can read your comments? Unsure how that would work..Maybe have you do all CAPS IN THE CHAT..so it jumps out as the conversation is going..


    I might have to as some other people and maybe we can get this going,lol.



  6. Hey, I took your suggestion and made a WIP for the bounty hunter classes. thanks

  7. Hey, to answer your question in forum, lets say later this month they release kotor1 and kotor2 together, that does not mean now moders can mix the two games files. Its porting since kotor2 was made by obision and Republic commando was not made by obision, i hope this clears it up.

  8. the Modcast will be released in 2 hrs or less

  9. Actually it seems to be only the male mirlukia/blind ones that have the white body/no texture. The other males seem to be fine and the female mirlukia seems ok to. did i miss something on installing the patcher?


    I don't think Kyle Sutruu(military jedi_) is in the files. I see the 2da but not a skin. I don't know if his is finish or the 2da was a place holder and the skin is not done.


    I also notice sometimes when I remove clothing off the PC the game crashes, happen on a female twilik, will test for others.


    WOW, I will say with the new PCs the mod feel much more like a new game. :thmbup1:



  10. Hey, which of the drayen heads do you like best?

  11. Hey,


    PreBeta 2 is going well. Im also making some fixes to preBeta 1. Im looking at releasing preBeta 2 with a small patch for preBeta 1.


    Also Divide is back and he is fixing and tweaking the dialogue in preBeta 1.


    Im going to try to push myself to get this done by early Nov.


    Im looking forward to reading about what you have instore with the Genahardon patch :-)



  12. Hey, let me know if you can access the 3 social groups I created, want to make sure that the waals are up to make sure only invited people allowed in the team and writing staff groups

  13. Hey, whats up


    I got your message.


    I will be looking for VO near the end of this month.


    You can send a sample to tmonahan23@yahoo.com





  14. That's a place holder for right now. Plan to allow you to buy and wear but its like one credit, will change that and make it to expensive to buy both.


    also in the Team social group you can also post any bugs or issues too.

    just don't send me any thing that might be spoiler through this visitor message, can PM me those sensitive items

  15. I fixed the credits so you are now in both the art and the design team :)

  16. Hey happy new year!

  17. sent you some e-mail

  18. Hey, i have the social groups up, 3 actually. Let me know if you are able to get into the team or the writer's one, since they are invite only want to make sure the security wall is working

  19. see vanir's thread on GUI, there is some info that might allow us to have everything the color we want

  20. new pics in the public social group

  21. 2 new test RoR videos being posted in 5 minutes

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