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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. I can stop into the chat, in 2hrs. im just getting out of work.

  2. Hey hows your company's new project going?


    Whats new ?

  3. Hey, can you do me a favor and take a look at Kaila's appearance and portorat 2das and tga file. Her portiat does not show up in game?

  4. You will not need to re install kotor2.


    I have directions on how to install, and if your mod is basically in override, renaming the override and making a clean one will work

  5. Hey, np

    Did you install the fix patch too from moddb?


    Look forward to your review :-)

  6. How hard is kaura?

    Never used it.


    Thanks :)

  7. Awesome!


    Have you started Beta testing, if so how is it going?

  8. The link in the PM does not work.


    EDIT: Never mind it works now =)



  9. What you can do is ass some stains but make them dark so they look old and can not tell if blood or some others material. They scratches can look like the armor was beaten up by a force beast or some creature, just some small battle scar.



  10. Hey, got the NPcs in with the animations work fine. I just need to place the script in so the first group of three talk to the Pc with the dlg. I'm also placing some filler npcs as well. I will send this to you tomorrow and the scripts for the npcs animations.


    Hows everything with you?

  11. Doesn't look bad.

    It just need some RoR images to be placed in that's all.


  12. It's very close to being done, got just one pick to put in and I have somone finishing up the grammar and editing the text. Hoping in a few days.


    I'm also getting a package ready for future team members.

    Going to open a recruit thread once the site is up.

  13. I'm on msn right now.

  14. Hey,

    I got the portrait working by using gff, thanks.


    I saw in NWscript there was a way to check baseitem2da, and do a check on the number for a row names number. It mentions server. The script complies but dont know if i can use it for conditional for PCs. What do you know about script tp check any part of a 2da file?



  15. Hey,


    Good job on the Modcast!

  16. Modcast is released

  17. Sounds good!

    We can chat over weekend, in the chat box

  18. what is the link?

  19. Hey, did a test and it all work, have to just add a few things and then will package it today.


    With new/rekin plcs I did some reskins, of lets say a locker, now if the model and skin = the new name and its in the plc2da do i need to do any hex edit?


    Will get you the links(s) for the files later today.


    Oh the new robe armor looks great with the shine!



  20. It seems you might have names to saber hilts and if you want we can keep those names. I would be attaching a lightsaber progression style.


    You can check my youtube site on the lightsaber progression system for more details on how this all works.



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