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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Hey,

    Glad to have you on board.

    Canderis is putting together a tutorial for the dlg.editor. What you can do now is download the program and i will email you a dlg file so you can take a look at the structure. I will also send with the dlg file a tip on creating them. PM me your email adress.



  2. Hey,

    Lol, dont worry i didnt take it in view of a diss. You were just stating that we were doing on our timeframe, what ever it is.


    I know many projects shy away from timeframes and release dates but i feel its healthy to discuss them just so the public knows you will finish.


    Most large projects get caught up doin all these large time consuming thing for the project; when you are actually building a game you look at the lowest requirements for the game to ship and decide what is the game's purpose. From here you can always add more but if you start the other way around you get caught up with the extras and you notice 5months later and no modules have been populated, no prototype. Goal is always prototype.


    I have to stop bwfore i end up ranting for hours on game production,lol


    Again thanks for the kind works.



  3. Hey, having an issue with an onenter script where i want to remove unequip the items on the party member uldir, both his right/left arms and the slot where you can switch to.



    object oWeapon2 = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTWEAPON ,oNPC);


    object oWeapon2 = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTWEAPON2 ,oNPC);



    want to remove these from my one party member



    Thanks in advance =)

  4. You answered my question.


    I was nervous that i didn't enter my code. I know i enter a code while back and was wondering did it register but what you just stated means, im all good =)



  5. new posts in rise of republic thread and social group

  6. Hey,


    I was wondering how can I do a script that checks if two npcs are dead and then start a dlg.


    The script would be ondeath script of each of the two npcs that will die



  7. The patcher is not running? I clicked kotor2 main folder/file when selecting to install


    I will try to do it by manual

  8. I'm glad everything is working now!


  9. Hey, hows it going?

  10. what is the erf patch temp? do i need them in or they are just incase?

  11. hey, got your message. Dont worry the email you sent me was great. i will wirk with what you provided for some sidquests.

  12. Hey, sorry have not been on swtor lately.

    Whats up

  13. The job situation/ hunt is still going. I'm waiting to see if unemployment extends me. As for the Mod its going well with a few bumps here and there with scripting,lol. I'm passing the 50% mark and Corellia part2 should go fast which will bump me into the 68% spot. Once I'm in Post production...aiming for 9th or 16th of May, It will take a large amount of stress since game is functional. =)

  14. He would like to talk to you about you characters and cameos in RoR.

  15. I would say from your info, ...will stick to a .utc npc.

    This was for placing an npc where the holoplanet is located. Only placeable will work ....utcs just move to the side of the holo device.


    Thanks for the info!



  16. Hey, i was interested in using those modules for the RoR. Let me know if this is possible.


  17. Yes, there will be one, have to call my bro, wanted to get the mod Demo released first

    Now i can do the website which is all mocked up and also I got a quick fix Patch coming later today too

  18. I meant it will take away a large amount of stress, once I'm in Post production.

  19. Not to bad. I notice an issue with Hanharr

  20. Hey, whats new

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