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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Hey, hows it going?

  2. hey,


    I'm good. How was the contest?

  3. whats all the 000 and f....mean?

  4. hey over at deadly stream are some audio interiew questions answered concerning RoR, questions by Sith holcron

  5. Hey what new, haven't seen you on yahoo mess in a while

  6. Hey, hope everything is ok

  7. Hey, i need the files by next weekend or they might not make it into the mod's Demo. It does not have to be perfect, it can be tweaked but i need a backbone of the quest in the mod in order to get it in

  8. Hey, hows the play through, did see the contact in the cantina? I know he blends into the back ground a bit. Also if you have any suggestions you can place them over at the team RoR social group there is a thread there. Thanks!

  9. cool!!!


    Will test that right now =)

  10. Hey,


    Congrads on your Mod's release.

    Already downloaded.


    Whats your next project?



  11. I'm sorry but you can not join because you have to be able to Mod to join the team. Even the writers are working on creating their own dlg files for the mod while i plug in the scripting to the dlg files.


    I would say you should down load GIMP (free) and start with a skinning tutorial and see how you can change a armor color and have it show up in the game. By taking those small steps you will understand how a mod and games work. You can not build a TC mod or a story expansion if you don't understand how the components of the machine/game work. You jump in without knowing this you will create cool cut scenes and quests which are not do able in the game do to the structure, game engine, animation limitations, etc.


    Your energy is admirable but it will mean nothing if you don't start to study how to mod and how the game works and knowing its limitations.


    Happy Modding,



  12. You have e-mail!!

  13. Hey hows the VO going?

  14. I will send you the npc skins tomorrow for the patcher

  15. Not sure if its hex edit is needed or simply edit the color lines in the kgff program



    Edit: I did some testing and the kgff program using those numbers for the colors do work. I just didnt place it in teh right spot but it does change things so this is a move to getting this all changed, Thanks! Great Find!


    The Hedi edit is good if we want to change the actual bars, fonts, and other icon base items

  16. I will send you a animate from Sony Vegas showing the break up of the station. It wont explode in one full explosion , think of how on kotor1 when malak fires on tarus there is shot of it, in our sense it's the space station starting to break a part, I will use Vegas for the explosion while you will simply have the station start to break, see the story board I sent awhile back for clarification. It ends with debris falling onto the camera as the camera is below the space station . These are short no pro longed scenes here

  17. Manually remove that module and the place the updated one in.


    Sometimes the module folder won't allow override by drop in the new over old.

  18. I sent you e-mail

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