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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. hey,

    Did you get a chance to work on any of the dlg from the demo? reshapping or grammar check?


  2. What's new? How was your weekend

  3. Nice!


    I'm looking forward to Patch 1.2

  4. Actually my mod was started before he announced his mod. We both were starting with no knowledge of each others mods

  5. hey,


    The scene will have the Female chancellor, 2 other senators, and a military advisor..think high level general.

    The general feels that the jedi are a dead religion and that the Republic have depended on them in the past and look what trouble they caused.

    Chancellor is more even minded and the senators will act worried or other emotions to help the military general and chancellor to open up on what they just got word about the tyrena station and these attacks which could be exchange or hutts,...

    Have fun playing with this scene.



  6. Hey,

    I was wondering how do I script where- I have the PC check it they have an item/jrl entry that then will influence the NPc in the area with a limit of stun if they have the item?



  7. Hey, was wondering is there anything you know that can be checked in the 2da appearance or something that will allow me to have npcs recognize you are an alien species. Know any possible tricks or areas I should look into for this?


    Thanks in advance!

  8. Hey got things running again, will check the vo tomorrow=)



  9. Lol, i hope you have a lot of phone lines. Once you take over the internet your going end up with all the calls that would go to verizion or comcast..etc to you as they complain why they lost connection and downloads to slow.Then they will want the internet to have a nice pine smell while another guy wants to make it so he can run her 1st person shooter better,...its a good thing you got your minion..)

  10. Cool,

    I will e-mail you some of the updated stuff so you can play with seeing the titles to the journal entries for one and drayen's new appearance!


    Feel free to make notes as you play, i will need you to tweak some of the dlgs in certain main scenes.





  11. I'm scratching my head on this one???


    void main()




    How do I declare nPartCount= GetObjectByTag("bomablood"); ???


    int nPartCount = GetScriptParameter( 1 );

    UT_RemoveRepairParts( nPartCount );



    If I can do that then I can declare as this item or do i need a new nBlank




    int nBomCount = GetScriptParameter( 1 );

    UT_RemoveBomParts( nBomCount );


    Any help would be greatly appreciated



  12. hey come over to hiss, i want to touch base on the Hand of Silence, so i know i got the level properly done


    also J7 sent a PM with first robe artwork, let him know what needs to be tweaked, thanks

  13. The Kyle npc looks great. It has the feel of being like the pc a member of the next generation of jedi.


    I saw the skins for the others in photoshop and they look really nice. I have to place in the robes you sent me and create the new utis for them this weekend. I have been placing in the final npc utc heads for the first 6 modules that are polished.


    I did some playthrough of the first 3 modules and it feels like another game due the new pc heads, and content together.


    I want to say thanks for the files and i wish you and your wife a very relaxing vacation. I will see you in sept !


  14. yeah, already downloaded it.

    You know what confuses ne is the party verse party fight, can these fire even if your LS exile, plus if Atton kills Mical...does Kreia still give Mical's future?

  15. Hey, thanks for the mention in the forum about what you want in kotor3 =)

  16. I'm a little confused, on what is the final conclusion -what will be in the mod?

    From the threads

  17. updated thread, plus i have a pic or two with your Hand of silence but not with the proper robes yet.

  18. hey,

    How are the lightsaber hilts coming?

  19. i have not been able to change the text color yet. I did change the color behind the the dlg text in conversations so i know it does change things so then its possible to change the text. Will have to play around since there are a lot of line with color in the gui file.

  20. Hey, what are setting to have Potriat of a party member to show? 128X128

  21. Some call it a total conversion, others an unofficial kotor3 but in the end it will feel like a new game with new features. Its a big mod, you can check out my theard at lucas forums....just look for Revenge of Revan when looking at the threads in holwan labs.

  22. I found a way around it, kind of...using the stack feature in kotor script.


    I can nor remove one at a time but have not looked into how this script stck use can be used to create the same number as you have present. Ths is something i will look into later but for now it works.


    Thanks for all your help.


    You have been a great help in my scripting and in so a big help in keeping RoR a more bug free game.





  23. What about sending out a sample of Bindo and see if anyone is good at impersonating his voice?

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