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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Hey hows everything

  2. Hey, hows the VO going?

  3. Thanks!

    I miss the old chatbox.

    Same location?

  4. great job with the trailer!

  5. Hey, whats new? How have you been?

  6. With Kreia's hand,

    If you look in the Appearance.2da using Kotortools- you will see that there are seperate NPC/utc files which call for either a Kreia with one hand or both.

  7. I have not new details on the VO patch.


    The main reason is because I'm building the writing team.

  8. Hey ,how have you been?

  9. How do we know if we can keep our names, etc? Is there a way to check?


    Also how does this work? per account or server since I have my main characters on Vornskr, bur i also have about 2 older characters on another East coast server?

    If one verse the other is selected? will i be able to do this per server or only once per account?


    Has Vornskr been selected?

  10. Can you send me a writing sample, of dialogue?

  11. I have taken a few days off from swTOR, working on the Mod heavy, and beta testing the MMO- The Secret World

  12. great job!!

  13. you are stopping swtor , oh no!!!


    Its all good.


    Did you get to pl;ay the secret world in the beta last weekend?

  14. Oh were you able to put in the 2 new planets in the mod?

  15. hey, did you get the script working?- from the tread post you did

  16. How was your weekend

  17. welcome back

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