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Status Updates posted by Sithspecter

  1. Yep, you are going to need a .vis file. Just follow the format of the ones in the KotOR Tool, and make sure to add your new models to the .lyt file.

  2. Yes I do! I got roped into being a moderator, haha. Well, actually, I sort of volunteered.

  3. Yes, as long as I have somewhat stable internet :xp:.

  4. Yes, I read it. It is mostly what I expected from the last chapter, instruction from the Masters. I have the tendency to feel sorry for Tamara, I kind of hope that she and the protagonist (can't remember name, sorry), become friends.

  5. Yes, I've been reading over it and thinking about the stuff in it. I was going to post it over at our forums to see what the other team members thought, I'll send you a PM later today.

  6. Yes, it in fact does. It was done a while ago, but I guess my email to you screwed up. No wonder you didn't reply back. Sorry about that, I'll re send it.

  7. Yes, it will change later today. :)

  8. Yes, just like that. And the forums are in decline. That's pretty much to be expected with decades old games and no new titles.

  9. Yes, make sure that you use MDLOps 6.0 or newer for animations though. I've got the same 3DS Max. Pretty good deal for students.

  10. Yes, Sithspecter now moderates... who would have thought?

  11. Yes, why else would he go to the Gizka homeworld in the unknown regions?

  12. You changed your avatar again already!

  13. You do have the latest version. Sorry, I thought that maybe there had been a new one.

  14. You may, as long as I get to see the final product before it goes out.

  15. You wouldn't happen to know how to do a sort of batch texture edit for lightmaps would you?

  16. You'd better start running again! ;)

  17. You'd have to convert it to the K2 format, but it should work.

  18. You're going to have to probably re-UV map it and export it again.

  19. You're not a moderator anymore? :(

  20. You're welcome. I'll be glad to provide you help if you get stuck or frustrated. :)

  21. You've been cranking out some excellent models lately, I really enjoy seeing your work.

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