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Cyborg Ninja

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Everything posted by Cyborg Ninja

  1. An Ashoka Death Fanfic, AWESOME!

  2. Oh that's good because I like the old one too. I hate the new one soo much though, especially Ashoka.

  3. so about this Clone Wars Haters group. Are we talking about the 5 minute cartoon or the new 30 minute TV show?

  4. I've been good, I got a sick schedule for my first semester at college but I still miss the summer.

  5. so will Karela ever see the light again... and are others going to follow her? (dramatic music)

  6. welcome back Skywalker, how've you been?

  7. Chevron 7 locke Defender of the DTC!

  8. well Death to the Sith is back, are Shinobi and Strike Force dead?

  9. Don't worry CQ, Wrath will be on his way soon!...I hope!

  10. I almost forgot to comment on your Rush musical. With most Rush songs the lyrics were relaxing to me and I could see them playing what you wrote down. 10 Tom Sawyers out of 10.

  11. Do you think a new rp would bring people back?

  12. I know what you mean, I'm waiting on people too

  13. Chevvvvvvvvv! We need people to post!

  14. Regarding Shinobi: Tategami and Dai just finished talking to Konan. Kaneda, Takeda, and everyone else are in the Entertaint District. Specter left for unknown reasons. So you can either be with Tategami's group or Kaneda's.

  15. Yeah, I'm getting ready for my second week of college and trying to think of a new rp in DTC and thinking of some fan fic stuff to write as well.

  16. I'm thinking DTC needs a new rp

  17. That's neat, I finally started working on something

  18. hey Chev, how's the writing coming

  19. Not too secret, he's going back to the remains of his village

  20. No...not yet at least. He needs to take care of something first

  21. I've always wanted to know this, exactly how many parts are there in your series? I really hope there's more.

  22. Yay, were ghost buddies!

  23. someone's going to die soon in the new rp...will it be you? :raise:

  24. Yeah she did, and Deadpool is awesome. Yeah if one dies we totally have to do that. For right now only Shakhmaty will be able to hear Black. I might consider Corbin since he also cared about Black's death. But now the really fun stuff begins.

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