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Everything posted by Astor

  1. Cool, I didn't know anyone in the US knew about The Young Ones. :)

  2. That's Alan Beresford B'Stard, MP, from a political comedy from the early 90s. He certainly lives up to his surname. :D

  3. Don't worry about it. :)

  4. Al's always edgy. Although I can only get away with an avatar - he's decidedly not PG-13. :D

  5. Sorry for not replying sooner.


    Yes, I did decline the invitation to join your group, but that's only because I rarely use groups anymore, and as nice as the idea is, it doesn't look like the group is going to attract much interest.



    Those roasts were actually how I discovered Rickles - I'd heard about them so went to youtube to watch them, and was pleased when I did. :)

  7. I don't remember having problems with any doors - I take it you've patched the game?


    Other than that, i'm afraid i'm out of ideas.

  8. I can do one better than that (seeing as LF albums will resize it to 1024x768) ;)
  9. Unfortunately not - I've picked up a little as a moderator for RC, but I wouldn't know how to converse in it.

  10. No, i'm not a terribly good modder. ;)

  11. Hi! There are many moderators and admins here, although most of the moderators look after specific boards.


    As for the always being online part, I do spend quite a bit of time on LF, but I'm really not on that much. ;)

  12. Sorry, just to check - you can't see the 'edit group' choice at the bottom of the screen? It should be where you can change the group's ID picture and description.

  13. Yep, I'll see what I can do. ;)

  14. Hi Hockey, yes, you should be able to change the name of your group by using the 'Edit Group' button at the bottom of the group screen - that should allow you to change the name. ;)

  15. Yes, it is. It's all in the thread in Outlander.

  16. Yes. Military History for the most part, especially the Napoleonic era, so French comes as part of the deal. :lol:

  17. I don't know any French myself, but you tend to pick up bits of it when you're interested in history.

  18. Hehe... 'Victory is Ours'. ;)

  19. Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington.

  20. The Coruscant Entertainment Center, in the KOTOR board seems like the perfect place for your story. ;)
  21. No, i'm afraid I don't have either. And thank you for the complement about the picture.

  22. Sorry, been browsing on my mobile. Will be on presently. :p

  23. In the east, not too far from the North Sea.

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