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Everything posted by Astor

  1. :lol:


    He's obviously not bothered by something as trivial as a Jedi!

  2. Good man! Now you've got hours of trampling over natives to look forward to!

  3. Hi Hockey, sorry for getting back to you so late - It's certainly possible, but I'll have to ask the administrators if they can do it. ;)

  4. "what time in American history do you consider American’s Golden Age?"


    Anything before 1776. :p

  5. I can't create a sub-category, but I'll gladly sticky them. ;)




  7. It's a great series (even though I haven't read through all of them, I haven't been disappointed with the four i've read so far), and a perfect mix of history and humour.


    It's just a shame Fraser died without having written more... I would've really liked to read about his adventures in the American Civil War.

  8. --- On vaction 21st - 28th August, so apologies if I do not see or reply to any messages. If you have any urgent issues concerning the Republic Commando board, please direct them to another member of staff. ---

  9. I'm not sure, if i'm honest, although I doubt that copyright lawyers would see it that way. ;)

  10. I'm sorry if it looked like I was 'dissing' RC, and Traviss by extension. That wasn't my plan. I love RC, and I liked her first RC book.


    I don't know why she chose not to finish the book - she won't explain herself, but she mentioned that it was due to 'contractual issues' - that could be any number of things, but it's often one thing - the money she was getting paid.


    If it was, due to her being unhappy with The Clone Wars, then I think she'd have said it more clearly when she announced her departure. She said she wasn't happy about the new direction they were taking, but she made it clear that she quit, not that she was fired/let go, when she could have tried to work it out.


    I apologise if my post looked as if it was simply 'dumping' on RC. That wasn't my intention - I thought it would be better to explain my disagreement, so rather than just say 'that sucks', i'd say why I think it sucks. I don't have problem with people liking her work, it just isn't for me. :)

  11. I have. ;)


    I'm afraid I don't have much time for multiplayer. Welcome to the forums. :)

  12. I wouldn't even say he plays one, he just is. :p

  13. alien-looking-bugs01.jpg


    Happy Birthday!

  14. Hi Hockey, would you be able to remove one of the images in your sig? It's a little too big, and i'd rather let you do it yourself than intrude and start decimating it. :)

  15. Hi Hockey, i've just looked through your post history and there's ten or so posts in the General Forum Games section - posts in that area of the forums don't actually add to your post count. :)

  16. Sure, you can use the Name Change thread to see if it's possible - there is a limit on the number of characters allowed in a name, but I think you should be alright to just add one. :)

  17. Thanks, Just don't be gettin' any ideas... :p

  18. Wow, welcome back!

  19. Astor

    There was a really good film on this afternoon, that would have been perfect to get you in the mood for Red Dead Redemption - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdHFacoZy9s



  20. Astor

    It certainly is, although i'm being cautiously optimistic until we know about the full details.


    I have to admit though, that during his goodbye speech, I almost liked Gordon Brown. :eek:

  21. Well, the election is over (although still not decided), so I didn't want to keep going along with a politically-themed avvy. And yes, i'm definitely fickle when it comes to avatars :p

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