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Status Updates posted by Astor

  1. 'Hello, I would like a commando...' :lol: Everyone else was getting in on it - and they're all so boring. No one's going to suspect the purple dude with the handbag... :D

  2. "The SSP party is a real treat, even Tigers prefer it to real meat!" - you're the tiger! :D

  3. *basks in social acceptance* :D

  4. Astor

    *Looks at current game* Enjoying Empire, good sir?

  5. *Steals your message virginity*

  6. "Di'kutla Chakaar", if you're interested roughly translates as 'worthless scum'. ;)

  7. A place called Nuneaton, not far from Coventry, I take it that if you're a friend of Burnseyy's you're from Manchester too?

  8. Actually, just look at my 'Contact Info'... it's up there now.

  9. AGH! It's terrible! Thank you!

  10. Ah, that audacity. I will see what I can come up with.

  11. Ah, you see, I'm not a great one for blowing my own trumpet... If people are going to read them, then fine, but I'm not going to force people to read something... How are you today, anyway?

  12. Al's always edgy. Although I can only get away with an avatar - he's decidedly not PG-13. :D

  13. Astor

    And that coming from an omnipotent race of being supposed to protect the galaxy... :rofl:

  14. Apart from the chronic lack of employment, everything's pretty good, thanks you. And yes, I am still playing Empire: Total War - and it's got a lot better now that there's mods and patches to fix everything that was wrong (which was a hell of a lot - i'd expected better of Creative Assembly, quite frankly).

  15. Apologies for interjecting, good fellows, but that's a great poem! Have you, per chance, ever seen the letter Mr. Cleese wrote to America?

  16. Apologies, sent to wrong recipient. :)

  17. Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington.

  18. At a basic level, it's identical to the first one, but has been streamlined a bit to make the action flow a little better. There's not really much difference between them (although health doesn't regenerate in AC2 - you have to buy medicine), but on the whole AC2 is definitely a lot better than the first one.

  19. Because it had turned into a modding discussion when the original topic was for game ideas. So, to keep things clear, I moved the posts regarding making the mod to the modding section of the forum.

  20. Bee! How are you? Well, I trust?

  21. Bee! How's Australia?

  22. Bee! You need to remove your Christmas Hat! It's bad luck!

  23. Bonjour, madmoiselle! How are we today? :)

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