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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. Plus she got Han Solo, I mean, come on.


    So yeah, do you want that quiz? :D

  2. Flattering? Why?


    I guess I don't hate him either... he's just so weak and annoying. You, luckily, aren't like that. :^:


    I just did a quiz to see what 'Star Wars heroine' I am and I got princess Leia... should I be ashamed?

  3. Well, you're not like Vrook, but you're like a Jedi master, but one who isn't ignorant... and for your knowledge of stuff, you'd be like Disciple (you can kill me, now, if you like :lol:).

  4. A number of ways? Bad ways, too? :xp:


    I don't get how the Jedi can say people like the sith - the true ones - deserve to be unpunished. If I were a Jedi facing someone who I knew had killed hundreds and made people suffer for fun, I couldn't 'remain calm' or whatever! That's just crazy!


    I can't really place you as a particular character. You'd kill me if you heard the characters you 'sort of' are like, though lol.

  5. Hurrah! I used to be terrible with matching characters personalities in fanfiction, but hopefully I'm getting better.


    Well of course it's going to be unrealistic, it's SW! But seriously, if I were a sith OR a jedi, I'd have serious doubts about myself - even if I seem like I've got no problems from face value, I would.

    Know what I mean?

  6. I tend to hate main characters... it's just how I roll!

    I think grey Jedi is definitely more realistic, but that's not why I read books/play games. :xp: I seriously don't know what I'd be! I'm going to do a quiz:




    You are a Grey Jedi (my personal favorite) . You take care of yourself first but never forget your friends. You are caring but can not tolerate people who hurt others. Your realize the value of not siding with any extreme and consider everything around you before you make large dicissions. May the Force be with you.

  7. No, not really. I hate exact deadlines, but K3 offers a flexible deadline, so I'm fine with it. Besides, I like the idea of trying out new characters I wouldn't dream of writing about... like Bastila. I find it's really easy to put myself in her shoes, for some reason - which is both good AND bad I suppose :lol:

  8. Same, I prefer the KOTOR era. That's why I bought Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, first... it's based in that era. LEgacy of the Force is based 40 years after A New Hope, with the characters Jacen Solo and Ben Skywalker. I might sound typical when I say this, but Han Solo was probably my favourite character from SW. I also liked Darth Maul. :^: so I plan on getting the books written about him, soon.


    I wish I could see what life would be like in SW. There'd be so much to do, and so many languages! I can't even learn French... I'd be terrible in SW lol.

  9. Get those ideas down, boy! :xp:

  10. Great, now I feel like a retard. :¬:


    I know what you mean... it's so tempting to just post and not write, but sometimes you just get in the mood to write... usually for the wrong fic :lol: but it's still progress nonetheless.


    I'm writing my own original prose too, so that makes 4 stories. And I'm drawing. Aghhh kill me, now!

    I'm want to write another one too, but I cannot give into temptation :xp: I swear inspiration is like an emotion Jedi shouldn't give in to... 'don't give into it, or you shall fall into it's trap'

  11. there's about 300 of them! :eyepop


    I got Legacy of the Force: Betrayal


    Heard of it? I read the blurb, but haven't started it yet. I'm going to when I get the time, but probably not tonight. :)

  12. uno dos trois... right? I know French better. Tournez a droit! :D Never cared for MFL (modern foreign languages) though.


    I really like yours and DYs stories. Others are like 'yeah story, read it, well done *pat on back*' but yours and DYs are really interesting and fun to read. :^: can't wait for the next chapter... it's a bit strange you've got the last one written. I tend to draw scenes I haven't even written yet, and decide whether or not to put them into the story, later.


    Huntress is going a bit slowly, QFR is fine, started chapter 7, and K3 is going great. I'm almost finished... just got to let Bastila and Carth be informed on Dantooine, and have them all like 'omg maybe... but what if.. hm, lets check it out anyway.'

  13. Hola... is the only word I know in Spanish.


    Hows life? Made any progress on K3? :)

  14. Ah, alright.


    Hope you don't get too many chores to do ;)


    Speak later, maybe.

  15. Well, I've written a little more on my K3 piece. It's going well, I think. Have you finished yours, yet?


    Today I went to town and bought another SW book with the exam money I got. Yet again, felt quite nerdy buying it, but still...


    Yourself? :)

  16. You won't get banned without warning, I'm pretty sure. I mean... it's not even bad. It has sexual themes, sure, but I'm certain the mods are mature enough to see it's not just some little hormone filled teenager writing something inappropiate!


    Yes I realise I just basically made fun of myself.

  17. What?

    I swear I sent a reply... :S


    Anyway I said... as long as you're happy with the story, that's all that matters. Only listen to constructive critisism... not actual critisism. :^:


    And you know what free drinks leads to... more drinks. But I don't see a problem with celebrating my results with one or two.

  18. Ooh, you have a ponytail. :D Long hair is always good.


    As for the story, I think it's brilliant! If a moderator has a go at you for that, then they'd be pretty stupid. It isn't inappropiate in any way, it is bound to happen. Besides, it wasn't like you actually described anything in too much detail!


    Wow, the strictest, richest person in my family who rarely even buys anyone anything has told me that she'll buy me a bunch of free drinks next time I see her, because of my grades. I'm really grateful, but honestly, I don't think I deserve all of this for the grades I got... I could've gotten better.

  19. Sorry, I was away for a bit. Now I'm back, and I'll look at the photo & read the chapter. :)

  20. Sorry, I was away for a bit. Now I'm back, and I'll look at the photo & read the chapter. :)

  21. Did you want to do business because your parents did (did they?) or because you wanted to? I'd be miserable too, if I found something I loved too difficult. School ruined art for me, but I doubt that matches to your circumstances. You're really clever though... I dread to think how difficult university is.

  22. You can tell me any problems you've got :^: I don't find talking to someone about an issue a burden. Your sister needs to learn to grow up, smell the coffee and realise that there's a whole world out there that goes beyond her house & parents. Until she does... she'll probably remain the same as the is.


    And sure, I'd read it. It is only a story after all, but everyone needs an outside opinion to put theirs into context. Go ahead. :)

  23. I'm starting college on 4th September, and I'm going to Loreto, which is supposed to be one of the best colleges in England - best in Manchester, save for a private college (which is obviously going to be at the top)


    Business? Were there no colleges that specialised in Geography sort subjects? Or does business tie in with Geography?

  24. Omg theres someone on TV who sounds like Juhani.


    Ahem, anyway.


    I haven't got a job, but I'm still looking... even if people don't like employing 16 year olds because it costs more for them. I guess I could make excuses, but it doesn't change anything.


    I guess there's no changing someone whos grown up use to dependancy. I know someone just like her, he doesn't take 'no' for an answer, and his mum rarely says no.

  25. I meant that your sister is brushing stress off on your father.


    I can't count the amount of times my sisters added to ruining my parents mental health. I feel sort of guilty, but then I realise she isn't the only 'bad guy' in the picture. Family issues are probably the biggest ones in my life atm, so I understand sort of.


    Have a talk with your sister, try to calm her down... I find that I get through to my sister more than my parents - you never know.

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