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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. No Sophie's? Wow, you're lucky. I know tonnes here in England. Get's a bit annoying, especially since all Sophie's seem to be deaf... all I hear on a school bus is 'sophie? sophie? sophie! sophie? sophie?!?! oh hi sophie.' and it's not even about me o_o


    Aww, poor you! So glad I never have to go to high school again... college is like the filter that gets rid of chavs and annoying slackers who think they're it.


    I think a seemingly invicible person is awesome - but not to the extent that Malak seems. >_> that's just annoying.

  2. Well, you never know, she might be successful. You say your family is well off... well, she may not have the debt problem - and what better way is there to be your own boss?


    Maybe her heads just filled with delusions of a better life, but I say let her try it - just try to get your parents to leave her alone... say its for the best if she learns to do stuff by herself, because running a business requires that.

  3. I love how you're refering to her as the crazy kill everybody girl, now, too. :lol: good luck with those ideas... you should be glad you don't have so many stories to tend to, or peely burnt shoulders *grumble*


    Ah, hello Tim! I had a friend called Tim... he was my best friend when I was 11, and we lost contact. :^:

  4. I was having a conversation about businesses today, with my dad - how strange. He said 99% of people end up in debt lol. Good luck to your sister.

    When I was young (9-10) I used to host an annual Summer clear out, and sold toys and books for 50p-£1... happened for 3 years, then I grew up. Usually made about £25. I was great. :D


    Anyway, welcome back. I posted an update of K3... bout 5-6 paragraphs. Not much else. You?

  5. Did you get those ideas down?


    I've never asked you your name... you'd think if we're working on a story, we'd know each others names. :lol: Mines Sophie... and yours is?

  6. Speak to you soon.


    Your sister belongs to the dark side! :xp:

  7. I guess that's true... Well, only time will tell.


    Speak to you later. :) and no thanks are necessary!

  8. No, if your sister needs help, go on. It's fine.


    And I don't let it cause any more harm, but it's still always going to be part of my life, whether i like it or not. I can't simply forget it - maybe it has something to do with it happening during the essential parts of my childhood... from 3 to 7.

  9. I don't know why it should be - I've dealt with it for years, so I shouldn't still be bothered by it. But I am.


    Anyway, that's enough of that.


    20 minutes did you say? What've you got to do?

  10. It is annoying not knowing what caused all of the problems though. I doubt I'll ever know the whole truth, but whether I want to know, that's another story.


    I think I'm about the only person in my family atm, who likes everyone. Everyone else has 'issues' with someone else.

  11. Well alright! Looks like it's an earlyish night for me. I got my a lovely leather satchel for college, today, along with stationary and a pair of tartan pattern cheap shoes to replace my worn out, black and torn ones! :)

    I love them.

  12. I think both views are biassed, but I don't know. Oh, and my parents were never married lol. My mum doesn't seen so irrational as to spend all of my dads money in anger, but my dad has had a lot of girlfriends since they broke up.



  13. Deadlines keep you in line :xp: if there was none, you wouldn't ever finish it!


    Plus, I love the planning side of it, like drawing the characters and scenes. that's always fun.


    I'll be sure to read it if I'm up at that time, but I'm not sure because my enrollment day is tomorrow. Either way, don't put blame on yourself, I'm sure it's worth the wait. :)

  14. Well it's about why they broke up.


    Mum says dad cheated on her, so I always just went with that. Then today my dad told me, after I asked why I didn't have a savings account for Uni, and he told me my mum spent it all.




    I figure my dad cheated on my mum, so she got angry and spent all of his money. He told me he'd 'tell me everything when I'm older' which is EXACTLY what my mum said!

  15. Ah, don't worry about it. I'm honoured to be trusted with the chapter after the next. :^:


    What do you do when both of your parents tell you two different stories?



  16. I'm tired... Gonna have to leave ya'.


    Good night.

  17. Theres a few things I won't change my mind on. But some things I think are intruiging, so I'll let it be part of the issue.

    I don't usually use evidence in an argument... evidence can usually always be contradicted or laughed at anyway, because the people who I argue with usually don't have evidence, they're just stating their opinion.


    I can't count the amount of times I've been laughed at for saying a certain fact, and it ended up being true.

  18. Well, that's exactly what it is... an opinion. If you can't stick by your own opinions, what can you stick by? I'm exactly the same. But the annoying thing is, when you're arguing facts, and you get proven wrong. It's usually pointless things like 'how to spell a word' or 'lyrics in a song', with me, but it's embarrassing when you uphold your side of the argument, and the evidence is written in black and white, before your eyes, that you're wrong lol.

  19. I lie a lot, but not if there isn't a reason. I've not lied to you, but can you trust that that isn't a lie? :xp:


    It's strange how people who are 'most like you' end up turning out the least like you, or at least the very thing you hate. I think if I met myself, I'd hate her. What about you?

  20. I don't feel sophisticated or anything... I feel sort of... cut off. You might find that strange, since I claim to be in with the social scene and whatnot, but you'd be surprised.


    The only person I found that had a lot in common with me, ended up ditching me and acting utterly two faced until I hated her. Ironic, ey?

  21. Bingo :xp:


    Though, I still seem 'strange' on the surface.

  22. Hmm, sort of.


    You see, it's different online, because I don't know the person, so it's easier, I guess, to open up. But in real life, the friends I had, it took a while for me to open up and I still keep a lot of things quiet. But I'll still engage someone in conversation if they talk to me.


    I've lost so many 'friends' over this one year alone, simply because I don't really care to stay in touch, or I don't deem them friend-wise... and then when it happens to me, I hate it. I'm friendly, but I've been described as 'mysterious' countless times because people don't really know what goes on inside my head lol.

  23. My result said 16% other people got it. So not a lot.


    I never really liked Luke much, but I guess he's nice and true - something a lot of people aren't. He isn't perfect though!


    Why do you think I'm so like Mira? I mean there's similarities, but that's all... right?

  24. :lol: Wow, you're my long lost brother!


    And you don't like Luke Skywalker either... tough break lol.


    I found it hilarious how Leia kissed Luke to make Han jealous, before they found out they were siblings. How gutted would you be?

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