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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Do you like the robe?

  2. Could you mix some music for me?

  3. Finished the robe. I'll PM it to you.

  4. Happy Birthday!


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    Take your pick!

  5. LOH said you might want the area model in my WIP thread.

  6. Not in the current version. I need to re-uv map it.

    EDIT: PMing is not working for me so heres the link


  7. Hows it going?

  8. How many pollys should i keep an area model under?

    Also how would I add a smoke effect?

  9. I don't really have plans for it, just to get it into the game. Thanks for the complement!

  10. i am a warlord. Not mand'alor.

  11. Can you translate this to mando'a:

    Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule.

    Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead.

    Death is life, one should die as they have lived

  12. Can you translate this to mando'a:

    Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule.

    Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead.

    Death is life, one should die as they have lived

  13. If you want you can have my sig, i am working on a new one and i think you've had yours for a while now. Only if you want.

  14. Could you remove the poll from this thread for me?

  15. Sure no problem. Thanks.

  16. would you want my ak-47 model for kwip?

  17. || Google sites.




  18. I can model for you also. I am getting quite good. See my WIP thread.


    I love my ak-47 :D

  19. I can skin for your group. I got too much to do to make modules, but skinning i can do.

  20. i updated my WIPs thread with my new crap.

    See holowan.

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