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Everything posted by CommanderQ



    Well, I'm not doing much, it's just a quiet fun day:D Oh, that reminds me, when will you post in the Shinobi thread? I have been wondering:D

  2. The Powah of the beard?? We'll see....:D

  3. So you're Grandfather was in the military? That's quite interesting, I'm sorry to hear about your loss:(

  4. Heh, yeah, homework is that way:D But it has to be done though lol:D

  5. Ahh, yes, tis' school...but second semester is a good semester though:D

  6. Yes...that would be a good way to avoid such stress...but look on the bright side, you'll feel great when it's done..heheh:D


  8. 12???? Oh....well, it'd be a perfect day to hold some sort of snow battle....yeah, crack out the old plastic AT-AT's and you got it made:D{joke}


    Yep, no Church with that snow....I would have feeling that no one would be going anyways with that weather...:D

  9. Oy....that does increase the stress of the situation, doesn't it? Hopefully everything will go smoothly though, rough points are to be expected while moving, sadly:( That is why people do not move often....oy curumba...luckily without being pressed for time, either....

  10. So, how was the New Year Celebration?:D

  11. OY! SEVEN TO EIGHT INCHES! {+Sleet} That must be quite interesting...Yes, I wouldn't suggest going to church with that weather..unless the Church is across the street. {That happened to me once:D} Well, it was a white Christmas indeed...and a white January....:D

  12. Oy, that's tough going there, being sick isn't fun:(

  13. Oh not much:D Life iz gooood!:D Whazzup with you?:D

  14. Oy...I understand that one...just reestablishing is stressful..oy..


  16. Ahhh, he is sticking to the pool? Heh, he must be hard to beat:D One time, when I got the whole family together fo Thanksgiving{I think:D}, my Brother brought his Xbox and I nearly convinced my Dad to try it...but I think the idea of slaughternization was too traumatic:D That, and video games aren't exactly his cup o' tea...aye?:D So, Endo, whazzup, how's everyone over there?:D

  17. WHAZZUP, My Master?:D


    Do anything really cool and fun lately?:D

  18. Hee hee hee, das is gut:D fun fun indeed:D So, what games you playing?:D

  19. No worriez, I will...

  20. I iz good, how iz you?:D Iz life good?!:D

  21. Well, it's a great game and a tad older, so finding it for a good price shouldn't be too hard, I don't think:D If not, yes, the birthday would do:D So, when is you birthday? {or maybe I should just look at the profile?:D}

  22. My favorite composers? Hmmm...I would say...Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikosky, John Williams:D, Hans Zimmer, and Jerry Goldsmith:D Those are probably my absolute favorites, because I have a much longer list on faves:D


    Sadly, I have not played Billy in the Lowground...as of yet:D Is it difficult to play?


    True, classical is indeed near impossible with the pedal problem:D It isn't all that different of a situation with the violin though. Some of the notes and combinations are crazy! How do these classical violinists do it!? {Answer: Very carefully...:D}

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