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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. To the GOT!:D


    (And you will be failing this one)

  2. Too bad I'm such a tight-wad. Oh well, I'm working on Jagi's armor right now. Be done soon.

    BTW: I didn't mean a completely free version, I meant a version where you don't have to pay the monthly fee.:D

  3. Um...


    *hides crate of spy gear*



  4. Vor'e ner'vod. As for Scav, he was perma-banned for reasons unknown to myself.

    And Google automatically links to all the images. I can't change it. :giveup:

  5. wait wut? :p

    Getting closer! :D

  6. Welcome to the Guild of Mand'alors payback.:D

    The group has been dead for a while, but maybe you could help bring it back to life?:)

  7. Well flame-baiting is a no no here:tsk: I hope you learned your lesson:cop:



  8. Well if you wanna see something new...


    Click this link

  9. Well that's easy! Lots of heavy weapons, some lightsabers, a Vibrosword, the works.

    A ship akin to the Ebon Hawk with a docking port for my Besu'liik, and a suit of Beskar'gam modeled after that of Mandalore the Ultimate.

    I'd probably use more stealth than you'd expect after hearing about my armament, and I would never be too shy to drop out of the sky in my besu'liik to engage my quarry in one on one combat.

    Maybe I'd have a pet as well, perhaps a trained Tuk'ata.

    How's that for ya:D

  10. Well then, welcome to the guild!:D

    And we Mando'ade prefer for you to use more explicit words in Mando'a.

    So you can replace @ss with sheb.

  11. Well then...


    *loads shotgun with buck shot from payback's head and goes to "talk" to Ky'ram*

  12. Well what do you have to say about this:

    Show spoiler
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  13. Well who was the first to use a Mando'a name?


    *raises hand*



  14. Well you are obviously no n00b:p

    By the way: I am Mirdika from Team Hssiss chatbox.:thmbup1:

  15. Well, the atmosphere of that thread was certainly tense, if not slightly hostile. You both presented some solid facts, and you both made some good points. You also both had a tendency to argue instead of calmly presenting your facts, which would have probably lightened the mood a little. And you'll have to admit that you were testing your luck by deleting mod warnings and such:p. I do agree that Jae did have a tendency to talk down to you in her arguments and turn them back at you as insults in her replies, and no one -no matter what their rank or title- has the right to insult the intelligence of another.

    In that argument (in my opinion) you took the role of determined... I guess the word "rebel" will do. And Jae took the role of stubborn un-movable ruler (bordering close to tyrant).o_Q

    I hope I do not come across as a know it all. Everyone says I over analyze things in real life to.:D

  16. Well? Where are my muffins?:smirk2:



  17. Went on vacation in the UP of Michigan. I've also been working on my site.

    Hockey has a whole section to place RC mods there.:D


    Query: Have you been visiting my site a lot CQ?

  18. What did you do:tsk:



  19. What do you think:


  20. What is this "real world" you speak of? :p

    I understand.

  21. What sorcery is this?!


    *bites one of the coins*


    Behold, for these golden coins are chocolate!

  22. WHAT!!! Mandalorians do not go Tee hee!:D

    We make manly grunting sounds and fire our blasters into the ground!:p

  23. What?!! Why you... Usen'ye chaacaryc! Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade!


    Now you prove it!:xp:

  24. WHAZZUP!:p

    how's it going?

  25. When you go to the group there should be a button in the upper right part of the group page saying: Join Group.

    Click that.:thmbup1:

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