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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. Alright, talk to you then vod'ika.:D

  2. Alright, you too Puppet.

  3. Alright! Glad your back ner'vod! Just one question: Did you want me to do the .uti edit, or did you want to do it yourself?

  4. Alright!:D I'll work on an edge!

  5. Alright. I might not be able to login tomorrow, but you can send the stuff anyway.

  6. Alright. I'll send them to your PM box straight-away.

  7. Alright. I'll take a brake from the Mando'a to do those skins tonight.

  8. Alright. I'm almost done with the Mandalorian Commander on Lehon so I can work on Cassus next. Then I can do the Mandalorian cannon-fodder and I'm done.

  9. Alright. I'm working on #2 of 5, so it shouldn't be long till the whole batch is ready to be sent.

  10. Also, check out the tutorials section over in Holowan.

  11. Also, if you ever need a custom RC sig pic, let me know:thmbup1:

  12. Although we don't need to prove anything to him, there are others in the community (moderators included) who may think he has a point. If need be we could post a .TGA of the texture we are using.

  13. And Greedo shot first.:xp:

  14. And since the guy had to be thrown into a star to be killed, how about we make the armor "uber". It could practically make your character invincible.

  15. And the miracle of CGI and stunt doubles.

  16. And you shall have it, and the rest.

  17. Another false statement.:xp:

  18. Another savegame you mean? That shouldn't effect it. But like I said, he'll wear his helmet until you both get to Onderon.

  19. Are we talking about singing the song? Or is there a game or an RP I am unaware of?

  20. Are you a fan of fan fictions madam Muffin?

  21. Are you daft eager peasant? For we are in a time of swords and knights. Guns don't exist!

  22. Are you IC-1989 from the Brothers All Forums? Once known as my annoying clone?:p

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