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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. Are you just foolin around with darth_kira in the holiday thread, or are you serious? :raise:

  2. Are you reading from a Mandalorian songbook or something?:p

  3. Are you some kind of a machine?:lol:

  4. Are you still working on your Darkstick mod Darth Cryptic?

  5. Are you the same DarthDac as the one on kotor2files?

  6. Are you updating the .2da files each time?

  7. Aren't we all a little crazy:p? Yeah, I posted but deleted it because it wasn't really relevant to the thread. I'm thinking of something to post that won't be deleted by RedHawke.

  8. Around 1MB. But for some reason files always save in larger sizes on the comp I'm using.

  9. Artistic Star Cluster w/ eclipse. :D

  10. As long as we don't let the thread die within the first couple of days (and we keep Emperor Devon away from it) it won't be ignored. It also might help if you ask a couple of people on you friends list to check it out. That's how I spread word about my fanfic, and now I've got a couple of regular readers.

  11. Ask nicely first:xp: (And stop trying to hurt me in the RP:lol:)

  12. Awesome work ner'vod. But I was thinking something with more clouds and less lightning. You should really set up a web gallery or something ner'vod, 'cos you've got skills.

  13. Awesome! Great work ner'vod.

  14. Awesome. I'll test it out. :D

  15. Back to your old avvy eh? :p

  16. Back. Was feeding the animals:p

  17. Bah! For you obviously never met my estranged uncle George!

  18. Bah! We needn't explain ourselves to him. This mod is going to be perfectly legal, and if he doesn't believe that its his loss.

  19. Bah! You overestimate your abilities. :lol: As current Mand'alor, I proclaim you dar'Mando. You are a Mandalorian ,no-longer. :D

  20. Bah! Your mystic ways will not work here dark Mand'alor. :lol:

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