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Status Updates posted by JuniorModder

  1. Soon. I keep getting sidetracked. I' ve decided that modcast 6 will be the last one.



  2. I want to, but


    1. I don't exactly know how to make it chrome yet.


    2. If I can't get the hex editing thing working than it might look bad.



  3. Downloading it now..

  4. Great, Varsity Puppet did Na'adia's new portrait. It looks really good!


    I've been doing a LOT of 2DA editing lately, so I'm taking a brief break from it to get to work on my Stop motion film.



  5. You don't have to, but you can record yourself asking the questions using a microphone, and then send me that. ;)



  6. Sorry for not replying, I've been rather busy lately.


    Thanks, I'm excited about the equipment also.


    The VIP Updates occur only when I have made some progress, but I'm doing pretty well, so it should't be too long.


    I'm really excited about modcast 5! VarsityPuppet wanted to send his questions to me through a sound file, so if everyone sends the questions to me that way (you don't have to), it'll add a new dimension to the modcast.



  7. Oh you mean your RoR thread. I know I saw. Love the logo!



  8. What Thread?



  9. LOL I just found out that you're not on my friends list! I'll change that.



  10. Just cause' your on my friends list, and it would be nice to have more members.



  11. Good. VarsityPuppet and I were working on Tenneth's clothing.



  12. Very impressive! Maybe you could do some for my mod.. ;)



  13. Did you make your avatar? I did a double-take and had to check in kotortool to see if it's there.



  14. I sent you a PM!!! Answer it!!! :xp:

    Anywhow, post in the New Jedi Order Story Conversion thread, go to the website, join theModding Group, and read my blog.

    You can also listen to the modcast (hosted by yours truly) on the modcast section of the site, or on my youtube channel.



  15. I can do Vo's for your "Past of Kreia" mod if you want. PM me your email and I'll send you some of my recordings. ;)



  16. It works, the only one that I'm allowed to join is Public group.



  17. How do I become a member of Team Hssiss?

  18. It's the portrait for Tenneth Carson. He is the character I'm voicing in my New Jedi Order mod.

  19. You need to fix your sig. Same thing happened to me.




    PS: love the avatar!

  20. I'm a christian homeschooler, eldest child of a family of 7.

    I like modding, stop motion animation, and Voice Acting.

    I'm currently working on a Story Conversion mod for TSL called The New Jedi Order.



  21. What are you talking about? lol My voice with my name or JuniorModder? lol



  22. Just chat, give suggestions, and volunteer to help if you want.



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