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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. hey DD, can you change Atton's clothes to a republic uniform?

  2. hey DD, wanna join the Mando Pics group?

  3. hey har, check out the progress in my WIP thread for my mod. I need someone to post something!

  4. Hey Jae, I have a question. I have been reading the admin's blogs lately and I am curious what you mean by "I have a husband of almost 19 years now" Do you mean that you have been married for 19 years or your husband is 19?

  5. hey jeff, do you have a blog I can read?

  6. hey KG, can i add your logo back to my mod?

  7. Hey link, I'm so sorry. I don't hate u! No hard feelings?

  8. Hey LOH, can you add me to your friends liist?

  9. hey LOH, I nominated you for the "Most Helpful" badge if you don't mind. That was due you giving me so many great tips and advise about modding, and I feel better now because I have already done a minor mod for publicity reasons. I just want to say, thanks.

  10. hey Lynk, can you add me to your friends?

  11. Hey Mirdala! (or Bralor is you prefer!) I was wondering if you can make a rockin Logo and a descent launcher for my mod! You seem to enjoy that kinda stuff!

  12. hey ner'vod, I joined your forums.

  13. Hey rogue 9? I was actually given permission by Jonathan7 to do that post you saw as spamming. It is, after all, in the Ahto section!

  14. hey seth, lets talk about this mod of ours.

  15. hey, about the Pirate RP, can I plz have another character? Or possibly several who can be in his crew.

  16. Hey, are you a modder? Do you think you can help me out?

  17. hey, can u continue with skinning?

  18. hey, can you please send me the pics to my email?

  19. hey, do you think you can do a sketch for publicity for the mod. Bastila has kids in this mod (the father supposedly being Revan) and I want to have a picture with her two children (one a boy, and one a girl) just to show she has changed from snotty nosed jedi princess into a responcible parent. She still has her lightsaber hilt by her side too just to show that her being a mother isn't the only indication of responcibility. Then post it in the WIP thread.

  20. hey, how was your paper? Any luck with Zayne yet?

  21. Hey, I don't know if you will be checking forums every once and a while, but are you still planning on making your power miners movie? I was REALLY looking forward to that even more so than TNJO TC/SC!

  22. Hey, I really like your sneak song, and I was wondering, it is REALLY catchy and the tune reminds me of the Iziz or TCS cantina music. Can I maybe use it as background music in one of the cantinas in my mod?

  23. hey, I was wondeing if you can help me and my 4 other friends work on a TC mod with me?

  24. hey, just have a question. What was your inspiration for your mod? I know you said you weren't aware of Trex's yet, so was there some sort of thing that inspired you? And (I mean no offence) but do you think you can come up with a better name besides "Revenge of Revan?" Everything has to be revenge of something, so do you think you can maybe be more original name? And also, kinda an offtopic question, what did you think of Trex's TC (the first one ever for KOTOR). Were you inspired in any way by his mod?

  25. Hey, know what happened to Seth Clearwater? He hasn't been on since Christmas Eve!

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