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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. Hey, Raphael Sbarge may help with my mod too!

  2. Hey, sorry for making your character move a bit in my last post, I just wanted a small confrontation between our two characters on the rooftops.

  3. hey, wanna talk about this mod?

  4. Hi Jae Onasi. I was banned for a week and I'm just checking if you have seen any exiting posts lately. Did I miss anything? A new fanfic perhaps?

  5. HK-47 was undoubtadly funnier than Jarjar Binks!

  6. Hope he didn't quit for good! I could have used him on my mod!

  7. How could you betray your husband Bart Lassiter like this? Two boy friends on the side?

  8. how did you get another Sith Lord standing there instead of Nihilus in the ROR TC main menu? I am trying to do that with Revan for my TC.

  9. how do you do spoiler tags?

  10. How is Darth workin' out?

  11. how is Ms. Shan doin'? In this mod, her tag will say Bastila Shan Ablis though becuase she is married to you know who.

  12. how is skinning goin'? I am working on the main menu for the mod.

  13. How is that mod of yours doing? How much have ya completed?

  14. how is your sister doing?

  15. how would ya like to help me work on the best TC mod ever?

  16. how ya doin? With my new mod, however, what would you like to do? You said you wanna work behind the scenes right?

  17. However, Christmas is best in Germany. Twelve days of presents. If my family didn't have German, we wouldn't have traditional Christmas.

  18. hows it going! I love your modcasts too.

  19. hows it going? Any luck on skins?

  20. hows it going? My computer is once again infected with a stupid virus. You have time to work on some character skins?

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