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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. are you interested in working on a mod with me?

  2. are you into historical simulation video games, Jae?

  3. Are you JediShem from youtube? If so, do you like modding? I need a team to help JM and I create our new Total Conversion mod.

  4. are you still doing the Taris Middle City Mod?

  5. are you still going to be a forumite on Forums?

  6. Are you TehPrincess from Youtube? If so, do you like modding? Do you think you can help me and my friends with a total conversion mod?

  7. Are you top dog here at LF? Just curious.

  8. are you willing to help on my new TC?

  9. arent you going to post in Pirates?

  10. batman Rp is up and running.

  11. Because I drank it all! Hiccup!

  12. Because I felt like it. It means Mandalore the Everlasting. I didn't know that Gmail has audio!

  13. Btw, I saw the rules in the lf Christians and I am wondering, why does it say alchoholl is offensive? I don't understand why one would think it is wrong when it is a huge part of our culture?

  14. but you are apart of the mod?

  15. Caleb and I have very similar personalities, (we are basicly twins LOL) but I think something we both have is sensitivity. It is good to be sensitive, but sometimes people can take stuff the wrong way.

  16. Can I be a voice actor in ROR?

  17. Can I be on your next modcast? I would like to audition for HK-47 or the other droid. Is there another human or something character open?

  18. Can I help with ROR. It LOOKS AWSOME so far. I need to learn how to work on TC mods before I go off and do my own thing.

  19. can i join for now? I will send you a pic of my reskinned Atton when I am done with it. I have also reskinned a lightsaber before, I will send you a pic of that.

  20. can I join Galaar modders?

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